Chapter 10.5--My Attitude Feels As Dry As The Thanksgiving Turkey

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Here's a little history about myself: Ashley and I were the dynamic duo in high school. We did everything together between studying to partying. In high school she was known as the prettiest girl around. Perfect skin, cute freckles, green eyes like emerald's, and long blonde hair that would make even Rapunzel jealous.

Then there was me: The smarty pants, nerd, and kiss up that just so happened to be valedictorian as well. Everyone came to us for advice. Gossip and relationship advice was Ashley's specialty, and homework or what classes to take was me. We had our own system that seemed to work smoothly in our school. No one really questioned us.

Had we not met in middle school we would probably have never started talking to each other. I guess we were solid in high school but by college I realized that living with my best friend was a terrible idea. It's not like I wasn't used to living with Ashley. Her family was basically my second one, but sharing a room was like bringing our small town to campus.

I still love Ashley—but going to the Uni was supposed to me a fresh start for me. I wanted to be something other than 'the smart girl' or 'Ashley's best friend' or even 'Jeromy's girlfriend.' Whenever I tried to make new friends, my past would come and haunt me. I know Ashley never intentionally tried to give people a view of who I am, but starting fresh was all I wanted. And having my shadow follow me around in the dark is unnatural.

I texted Ashley the next day after I had arrived back home. Our families were going to get together for Thanksgiving. It's been a tradition for several years that we combine our dinners. But before the dinner, she really wanted to hang out again like old times.

It was cold outside, but I bulked up with all my clothes. I forgot what it was like to wear so many heavy layers. It was snowing lightly, so Ashley and I agreed we would walk through our favorite park. At the end of the park is our favorite coffee shop. A small—almost sketchy looking—cabin that is owned by a nearby family. The coffee there is absolutely amazing. And the cabin itself is super cozy.

"Hey!" Ashley yelled when I pulled into the park's parking lot. She was jumping around and waving her hands. "Parker! Park! Oh my God!"

I smiled and got out of my dad's car. Ashley was instantly on me, squeezing me tightly into her hug. "Ash!" I replied hugging her back. "It's so good to see you."

"I miss you so much!" She said still not letting go. "Why'd you leave me?"

I laughed and we started walking down the trail. Ashley and I weren't phased I had left. It felt like I hadn't left at all. The way we acted and talked didn't change. We looked a bit different, me more tan and her with a haircut. As we walked through the trail, she was very diligent on catching me up with recent drama.

"So have you met anyone?" I asked.

Ashley dates frequently. I mean...she doesn't get around like Matt does. People instantly look at her and think she's someone that sleeps around. It's that sort of judgmental crap that I really wanted to get away from. Ashley is actually still a virgin, but her looks deceive her. She always attracts guys who are uncaring and egotistical. We were both surprised when I was the one to lose my card before she did.

"I have," She gave me a dreamy smile.

I forgot what it was like to walk in snow. My feet would crunch the blanket every time I took a step. It was awesome. Nothing like the sand at the beach that would envelope my foot and then wash away with water. Snow is stiff and unchanging.

"What's he like?" I asked.

"So sweet Parker. Actually, he's the guy that helped me pass chemistry. Without him, I would have failed."

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