Fight to the Finish (Spinoff from The Hunger Games) [ON HOLD]

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Chapter One

"Come on hon, let's go," my grandmother said. 

I sighed. Another year, another reaping. 

"Come on," my grandmother urged again when I didn't move. 

"I don't want to go," I fought stubbornly.

It was her who sighed this time. "I know, but we have to go. It's the law, honey."

 I took a deep breath. "I know." 

We put on our best jackets over our best dresses. We were wearing our best outfits. Mine was a bright blue dress that brought out my eyes perfectly, as Grandmother would say. Grandmother herself wore a plain, gray dress that brought out her eyes.

  I stepped outside and almost immediately started to sweat. "Grandmother!" I called, going back inside. "You might not want to wear your jacket, it's really hot out there!" 

"How warm do you think it is?" 

"Well, there's not any winds, and it's pretty humid outside." 

"Then I'd better put on my heavier coat!" 

"No, no, Grandmother. You're going to die out there with that thing on!" 

"I prefer being a little bit warm than freezing to death!"

We kept on arguing about whether she should wear her coat or not for the next few minutes. In the end, I finally convinced her to leave all of her coats and winter clothing at home. She wasn't very happy with me. I can say I was a little bit more than surprised when we stepped outside, and goosebumps rose on her arms, and she shivered. With her, I guess, anything is possible.

By the time we got to the reaping area, Effie Trinket was already up on the stage.

"We were almost late, Grandmother."  I whispered.

"Why?" she asked. 

"Because of your fuss about your coat."



"Hello, District 12, and welcome to the reaping for the 74th Annual Hunger Games!" Effie exclaimed cheerfully. Some people clapped, other people stayed silent, most likely thinking about their fates. 

"Now, as you know, we are going to pick two tributes from these to bowls," she said, guestering to the containers. "And may the odds be ever in your favor!" 

I mouthed those last words along with her, as did half the crowd. I caught my best friend, Caleb, doing it too. We looked at each other and smirked. My grandmother smacked me in the arm.

"This is a serious time," she whispered. 

I rolled my eyes. Like I was ever going to get picked. My name was in there about ten times, while other people had their names in there about forty times. 

Effie must have been too excited, for she flung her hand out happily, and one the bowls knocked over. Scraps of paper fluttered to the ground. People gasped. The Capitol watches this live, so something is bound to happen to Effie because of this little accident. 

I scanned the crowd, and saw two sisters hugging each other. After a moment of squinting into the bright sun, I realized that it was Katniss Everdeen and her sister Prim that were hugging. 

Katniss and I had never spoken, but I knew who she was, because almost every guy our age in town has a huge crush on her. I've seen her sister Prim before when I went to the Everdeen's household when I had a scraped up knee that had needed stitches. Their mother is a wonderful person to go to when in need of medical assistance. 

I turned my attention back to Effie, who was looking all flustered. She kept on trying to shoo people away that were helping pick the paper up, but they ignored her. 

"Okay," she said, back on the stage with her microphone in her hand. "I'm so sorry for that . . .  er, interruption. I'm just a little bit excited. After all, it's not everyday that the 74th Hunger Games reaping is taking place!" 

Everyone was quiet, but then a few annoyed citizens coughed. I saw a ton of people looking in different directions, probably wishing they were anywhere but here. Well, maybe they don't wish to be in the actual Hunger Games, but still.

Effie cleared her throat. "Now, ladies first!" She walked over to a bowl and plunged her hand deep inside of it. She felt around for a little while before pulling out a scrap of paper with a flourish. She walked back to her original place. Effie looked at the paper, took a  breath, and spoke.

"Primrose Everdeen!" she announced, beaming. 

My head snapped over to Katniss and Prim. Prim shivered once and stepped forward. She started walking up to the stage when Katniss stopped her. All eyes were on the sisters. 

"I volunteer!" Katniss screamed. "I volunteer as tribute!" 

Effie looked surprised. "A volunteer, eh? Well, get up here!" 

Katniss walked up on the stage. Effie shoved the microphone in her face. 

"What's your name dear?" 

"Katniss. Katniss Everdeen." 

"Oh! You must be Prim's sister!" 

Katniss swallowed. "Yes."


"Wait!" I blurted before I could stop myself. "I volunteer for Katniss Everdeen!" 

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