21: BBQ Sauce

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Chapter 21: BBQ sauce

I was freaking out here. My AP math quiz was in few hours but I didn't know shit. We were doing some complicated trigonometry that I was absolutely clueless about. That's it- I am gonna fail and then I won't be able to attend college. Later I would have no choice but become a stripper. That didn't sound appealing to me. Besides strippers have to stay in shape so I might have to give up on pizza. I ain't ready for that.

I was almost on the verge of registering at findmeasugardaddy.com. Or maybe being a stripper wouldn't be bad. Since Leo wouldn't mind being one- I shouldn't too.

Speaking of Leo, I grabbed my phone and started texting him. I know I was only a room away from him but I was too lazy to walk up to his room and ask.

Emma: Are you guys doing advanced trig this time?

Leo: Yeah I think so... wait.

After some time my phone beeped again, notifying me about another text from Leo.

I just asked Derek and he said yes.

I sighed in relief. Finally this boy is coming to some use to me. Okay he has in the past too.

Emma: Do you have the notes to that chapter?

Leo: Yeah I think I do. Derek printed his one and gave it to me.

Okay that's great! I think I can save my grades.

Emma: Can you send me your nudes?

Wait what?! It was supposed to be NOTES not NUDES! WTF. DAMN YOU AUTO CORRECT. I was desperately trying to unsend it but it wasn't working. My phone beeped indicating there was a message for me. I knew it was Leo, I didn't even want to see what that was.

Leo: Sure princess ;) But first I gotta update my status first.

Oh no he wouldn't do that. He is gonna post this on Facebook. I rushed to his room to stop this from happening but I was too late. My phone was already beeping like crazy. That asshole had the audacity to tag me in the post. I opened the app to find a screenshot of our conversation, it already had 50 likes on it. Fuck you Leo Arsen! 

"DELETE IT RIGHT NOW", I barked entering his room.

"Absolutely not! This is gold", he chuckled.

"Fuck you Arsen!"

"Oh you are gonna. Soon", he winked.

"That's disgusting!"

Before I could say more his phone started ringing. He saw the caller ID and immediately rushed out of the room totally avoiding me.

After sometime he come back looking distressed. "What happened?" I asked looking worried.

"Nothing", he answered not looking at me as he kept searching for something.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he wore his jacket.

"Somewhere", he replied tersely. He pulled out a manila envelope from his wardrobe and dashed out of the room.

After sometime I heard his bike roaring away indicating he has already left.

I wonder where he was off to.


"Hailey is definitely hiding something from us", George cried out. "You know she was supposed to join us today but she cancelled on us at the last minute", George took a sip of his strawberry milkshake. We were Milkshake Factory which was a shop at the mall.

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