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Day Two

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Grace Gillman

Never in a million years did I think I'd dislike someone as much as I disliked Sebastian. I truly didn't understand why he hated the idea of having a girl on the team. For some reason though, I felt that it was more than that. What if he felt threatened by the fact that a girl could possibly take his spot? But that didn't make sense because Sebastian was as good as me. 

Of course that wouldn't stop me from trying to take his spot as starting center no matter the challenge.

 None of the other forwards were being hostile and rude to me like Sebastian was. They all seemed fine with me being on the team—Matt seemed more than fine with it. Eventually Sebastian would get used to the idea, right? Would he ever treat me like a teammate?

"I didn't think you'd be able to resist the urge to join me at my table."

I looked up from my paper to find Matt taking the seat across from me. The table that he and Sebastian were sitting was empty now, Sebastian nowhere to be seen.

"Your company didn't seem too thrilled at the idea by the look he gave me," I said.

Matt rolled his eyes. "Sebastian can be dramatic when it comes to hockey. But don't worry, he'll warm up to you eventually.

I looked at him unsurely. "Really, because last time I saw him, he not so kindly told me to basically fuck off."

"He has a weird sense of humor, you get used to it."

Matt didn't seem to notice that I was totally unconvinced by his words. Sebastian wasn't joking around when it came to hockey and neither was I.

"What do you want Matt?"

He leaned closer, a grin spreading across his face. "Who says I want anything from you?"

I laughed. "What did you mouth to me earlier? Didn't it have something to do with—"

"Alright, alright, I get it," he interrupted, "but really, I just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing."

"I'm doing just fine, considering the fact that Sebastian is a sexist jerk," I smiled sweetly.

I wasn't doing just fine actually. My whole body hurt and the captain of the hockey team wanted nothing more than to make my life miserable. I felt like nothing was working in my favor.

"Are you two talking about Sebastian?"

Both Matt and I looked up at Kent who had managed to sneak up on us undetected. "How did you know? Was it the sexist comment?" I asked.

He laughed. "Well actually, you had this really mean expression on your face. But enough talk about Sebastian, let's get to the locker room Matt."

I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized that school ended in only five minutes. And that meant another and probably more intense practice. I couldn't wait.

"See you guys soon," I said to them as I grabbed my things.

"You could just change with us, the locker room is very spacious," Matt offered.

Rolling my eyes, I brushed past him and waved goodbye to Kent. By the time I made it to the locker room, I was already pumped to show the guys I was good enough to play with them, even if I was a girl. The first time they saw me play they thought I was a guy, but this time I wasn't going to hide behind my helmet. After I got on everything but my cage, I entered the rink. Everyone was either out on the ice, or sitting on the bench.

"You got ready fast," Kent spoke as he adjusted his gear.

I sat down next to him on the bench with my eyebrow raised. "Because I'm a girl?"

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by Peyton Novak
Grace wants to prove herself by making the men's hockey team at her n...
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