Chapter 7

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Matt's PoV

1 week later...

It's been one week since we've came to the children's home, Well not actually one week it's Saturday 8:05 am right now, I've been to school and haven't seen Leo at all I hope they haven't moved, I love him so much I need him in my life especially after everything that's happened, but whatever we are meant to be meeting a family today that's looked at our documents and want to adopt us so we have to meet them a few times to see if we get along.

They probably don't want to adopt me just James and Maggie but, the social services want to try not to split us up since what has happened to us and luckily this family says they can adopt all three of us, so let's see how it goes, it's at 11:00 am they're coming over so I have plenty of time to get them ready, even though the carers who live here to care for us will probably help I like to look after them myself, let's just hope everything goes good.

We're going for breakfast now, I've actually made a couple friends who live here, most of the people who live here most are okay some have anger issues and other issues, but I can't say I don't, not that I'll probably keep in contact with them since none of us have phones but yeah, breakfast was simple just toast or cereal and orange juice or apple juice, I just had toast with jam on and apple juice, I'm sure you don't want to listen to the pointless chatter that happened at the table.

We are getting dressed now, I don't know what to wear hmm I don't have many nice clothes but I want to wear something nice to give them the thought we are good and not bad and they'll want to adopt us more, I want the twins to have a nice home for once cause they never got to be around mums warmth, I finally decide on just wearing my only shirt which is my school one it's white, I ask one of the carers to iron it for me they kindly do, I put on an old grey worn jumper that I was my mums originally, I love it it reminds me of her even after it's been washed, and some black jeans to go with that.

They should be arriving soon I'm getting nervous, I don't think you really care what the twins are wearing but let's just say they're so fucking adorable, I hear the door creak open and see two women walk in holding hands, well they're gay so it'll be easier to come out to them at least, they sit down on the couch over from us shuffling in their position every now and then its obvious they're nervous but who wouldn't be.

"So I'm Mira and this is Charlie" explains the taller woman with long curly black hair and a dark skin tone while pointing to the smaller woman with short fluffy mouse brown hair and a light skin tone who seemed to be very shy

"Well before we head of to McDonald's, what's your guys names...?" Mira questions while poking James and Maggie's bellies playfully making them giggle

"I - I'm James" James giggles out

"I'm Maggie, I - I like you ar - are we go -going to live wi - with you" Maggie stumbles out

"Maggie what are you saying you idiot, I'm very sorry, sorry" I apologise very annoyed at Maggie since this seems like a nice couple and she's being an idiot

"It's fine sweetie, we would love if you could come live with us" Mira says softly picking her up and placing a kiss on her forehead, she glances over at me and asks

"What's your name.." Mira questions me

"I'm Matt"' I mumble out God I'm such and idiot

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