Chapter 2

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Thursday, January 26, 2017.
Present day.

We all just stood there watching North View High, our beloved school burn down. One moment I, Blair Mason, was standing in art class just minding my own business trying to make purple paint then the damn fire alarm goes off making me drop the paint all over me.

The next thing I know, I was being carried out of art class on someone's shoulder, and that someone is Nixon Henderson. My best friend, my protector and my brother, Lucas Mason's future beta.

Skylar Williams, my other best friends was running in front of us like the devil was chasing her, as the smell of smoke filled our heightened sense of smell.

Greyson Wesley, another one of my best friends was running behind us pushing us to go faster.

I still remember the day I met them.

We we're all in first grade. I just started public school since I've always been home schooled.

We were in lunch and I was eating some chocolate chip muffins -my one and only love- when one fell on the floor. Of course I started crying and Nixon came rushing towards me with his brown locks flapping all over the place, and looked at me with worry in his big blue eyes and started comforting me and then he handed me a lollipop.

I smiled at him and he later introduced me to dark haired girl with big brown eyes, and a dark haired guy with blue eyes. Skylar and Greyson.

Skylar and I became attached to the hip, told each other everything. Every so often we have a girls night and watch all of our favorite shows while eating junk food. She's like the sister I never had. She has an older brother named Caleb. He's 18 and he's going to be the pack and my brothers future gamma.

Greyson is another one of my protectors and he's my adorkable best friend. He takes care of me when Nixon can't. His dad is one of the best warriors in the pack.

"Well my dad's definitely blaming this on us." I murmured to Skylar Grey, and Nixon, as we all stood outside in front of the school, as it bursted into flames.

"That was awesome." Nixon exclaimed. Skylar and I both hit him on his shoulders, making him murmur an 'ow'

"We could've died." Skylar cautioned with a dramatic tone.

"Ha you got hit by two girls." Grey laughed. Skylar hit him upside the head. Now it was Nixon's turn to laugh at him.

"Blair Lucia Mason. Care to explain? And why do you have paint all over you?" My dad, Blane Mason, the Alpha of Grey Howlers Pack fumed. I think I might have seen a little steam coming out of his ears.

My dad is a pretty scary guy when he gets angry. Most of those times I'm the cause of his anger. What can I say, I love trouble. His eyebrows where pulled down together as his light brown eyes stared at me with so much disappointment in them. He ran a hand through his dark hair in frustration.

His Beta and Nixon's dad, Daniel Henderson was on his left with a stern look on his face, his 3rd in command (gamma) and Skylar's dad, Gabriel Williams, on the right with his arm crossed while trying to give us a mad look, but he just looked constipated. I tried not to laugh.

"Well you see.. for once this was not our work, but I don't get why we didn't think of this." I answered while putting a hand on my chin as if I was thinking of all possibilities I could have set the school on fire.

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