Chapter 7

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Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - Chapter 7

Most of the group slept in that morning, except Ariel of course. She woke up and went to the beach for a morning run. Her wolf was really wanting to break free, but since shifting wasn't an option there, she just ran in human form. After a couple of hours of exercises she felt so hot, she just ran into the sea for a while.

When she returned to the beach house, she found Claire setting the table for breakfast, so Ariel prepared the food and minutes later everyone was up. They went to the beach before lunch and spent the afternoon catching up on their homework. They had decided to skip first period of class, so they could stay until Monday morning. Ariel had done most of her homework already, so she decided to start with a painting that was due by the end of the week. Even though the subject wasn't original, she still decided to paint the sunset. So she found herself once again at the beach with her sketching book and photographic camera. She wanted to do something original from a typical subject so she knew she would need to think a lot about that piece of work, but at the moment she just enjoyed the scenery and the peace it brought her.

While she was there Patricia called.

- There's been an attack. Alpha Rafael is calling everyone to the Pack House for an emergency  meeting. We have to go. I told Mariana and Mateo that my aunt was ill and I had to go back. Everyone is packing everything. Hurry back!

As soon as the call ended, Ariel gathered everything and ran back to the beach house. She packed her possessions and soon found herself on the road back home. While in the car, she kept staring at her cell phone until she finally found the courage to text Sebastian. She had to know if he had been hurt during the attack, she was terrified to ask but she knew she had to do it.

"Sebastian, I heard there was an attack. Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm glad you contacted me, I was so worried about you too when I heard! Fortunately Patricia's brother mentioned your trip to the beach this weekend so I calmed down"

"I'm glad you're OK. "

That was understatement. Her heart had been beating with great intensity while she waited for his answer.

"I'm glad you care :) things are a bit crazy right now. Try not to be left alone. There might be more attacks. They'll explain at the meetings, but please, be careful".

More attacks? What was going on? Who was attacking them? Suddenly she felt frightened again.

"Sure. You too. See you at the Pack House."

Two hours later, Patricia, Claire and Ariel were at the Pack House waiting for the meeting to start. Ariel was walking in the garden when she saw Sebastian. Without even thinking about her actions, she ran to him and gave him a big hug. Sebastian was surprised at first, but he hugged her back and held her tightly for a few moments. When they separated, Ariel was blushing so much, her face looked like a tomato, but worst of all she felt the urge to kiss Sebastian and never let go. She fought those feelings the best she could, but she felt overwhelmed. She had been terrified that something could have happened to him and her wolf had needed reassurance that he was safe, which was

why she had hugged him. However, once in his arms, all the attraction towards him made her feel weak in the knees and lust filled her body. Fortunately for her, Tom came out to the garden at that moment.

- Ace! You're here! And I see you met Seb. How was the beach?

Oh no no no. What had he seen? Was she still flushed?

- Oh, it was great. But now I'm nervous about the news about the attack.

- Yeah, it's really upsetting. We hadn't had an attack in almost a year. After hiding evidence of  werewolf involvement for the police, we started looking into the matter. The meeting will start soon, Alpha Rafael will explain better.

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