Chapter twenty-six...

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I watched as Joshua ran in, red face, busted lip and tears streaming down. I look at the girl he's with and ask her every question running through my head.

As she spoke I realised we shouldn't have let him go alone.

I am the worst.

We took him home, my home.

I carry him in; he fell asleep on the ride home. Henry is staying with us tonight, I knew he would and honestly I'm glad.

I lay Joshua into our bed and I show Henry to the guest room. I return to my room and see him curled into the blankets, shaking and heavy breathing escapes him.

I lean over and crawl onto the bed, without looking up he reaches for me and I gladly join him under the covers and I hold him to me. His shaking stops after a while and I know he's fallen asleep by his deeper breaths.

"What are you doing to me, Joshua?"

I knew what had happened in the club bathroom; I called the owner and ordered him to get the security tapes. I watched through them quickly as I brought him home, I want him to stay with me. He has been through too much and is so strong for such a young age.

I had invited him to the meal with my family tomorrow and I do hope we still go, I'd love to finally have someone I can trust with me.

The night passed peacefully, Joshua wrapped in my arms and him pushing his face into my bare chest. This morning I wanted to wait for him to wake up but my phone buzzing on the table beside me ruined that, fortunately Joshua's subconscious didn't want me to go as he wrapped himself around me like a koala. I grinned and answered the phone.


"Oh! Matthew, I just wanted to confirm your appearance today." I heard my mother's voice come through and some shouts in the background.

"Of course I am, I'm also bringing someone-" I was cut off when a loud thud and cursing was heard, I knew she had dropped the phone in shock.

"I can't wait to meet him!" she squealed as soon as the phone was near her again. I could imagine the huge smile plastered on her face.

"I'll see you later, mum. Love you." She returned it and I placed the phone back in time for Joshua beginning to stir.

He yawned adorably and I ran a hand through his hair, bruises had begun forming on his face and I could tell the hurt as he winced slightly.

His eyes fluttered open and looked up at me sleepily.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said and kissed him, ignoring any trace of morning breath.

We showered together and had a small breakfast; I took his small hand in mine as I led him from the apartment. I opened the car door for him and jogged to the driver side, we drove as I made slight small talk with limited use of my hands. I was entirely content with him just being beside me, nothing would bring my mood down.

We pulled up to the large manor house, a few of our horses grazing in the fields surrounding it. As we got out the dogs ran up to me, barking wildly. I looked back to Joshua and saw a smile on his face, a smile I had never seen before... it was one of pure and true happiness, the kind that makes you feel fuzzy and special. I want that smile to be for me, he is all I wanted in the world.

"Matt!" I heard a voice yell from the house, I knew it immediately as Thomas – Tommy – my little brother.

"Hey Tom." I said gently, catching him as he crashed into me.

"I missed you so much! You're never here." I could feel a small wet patch forming on my shirt, I held him closer.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't handle it but I'm better now." I spoke and looked to Joshua who seemed worried, frantically signing.

I pushed Tommy away and stepped over to Joshua, I kissed him quick and smiled at the small gasp I heard. I looked and saw my parents and Tommy stood wide-eyed.

I looked Joshua right in the eyes as I spoke to my family "Everyone, this is Joshua... the man I'm in love with."

A/N That's it! The end? Looking back through it some of it didn't make sense but honestly I had no plan for this and it got slightly off-track but I liked the characters so I kept going. Thanks to anyone who reads this and votes or comments or something, love y'all. Btw I'm going to do a short epilogue... so more crap writing *finger guns*

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