Big Bad Wolf

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There was so much going on through my head at the moment: Danni was dead, Crystal was beating the crap out of Kyle (that was my favorite part), Jessie's life was in danger, Reed was dealing with Danni's death and seemed to want to help me in honor of her memory, and I really needed to get back to Vincent. And it was that last thought that burnt into my brain the most. Sorry to my friends and sorry to my well-being for not putting the charging alpha as top priority, but the thought of running back to the next territory to be reunited with Vincent seemed like the best idea that I've ever had in my entire life.

Still, that would have to wait, unfortunately.

I bolted through the forest, hands tossed up in the air as I cried out in terror due to the very pissed off werewolf trailing behind us- the same werewolf who threatened to use the Last Resort on me to ensure that we'd be together in the afterlife.

Jessie pushed further ahead of me, sprinting with all her might, pumping her arms like crazy. "Run Nora!" she shrieked.

"No shit!" I panted, my feet stomping on the forest floor so hard that the soles throbbed with each contact.

Reed phased behind and lunged forward at Jason in order to try to protect us. The curious part of me wanted to look back and watch the fight and root for him, but the rational part of me shouted to keep moving. Sounds of teeth against flesh and deep growls and snarls surrounded the forest, making a cold shiver run through my spine. My mind was frantic, desperate to come up with an idea that would save us. I could just submit to Jason and have everyone else go free... but then I'd die. And by default, Vincent would die too.

Fuck, get out of my head Vincent! Still, I never took the time to truly focus on the pitiful howl and look that Vincent had when Jason beat him up during our date and stole me away. The mental picture of him sad and curled up on the forest floor in pain was superglued into my thoughts, making me actually feel guilty for the dude. Damn it!

"Reed!" Jessie shrieked as she glanced behind her. "Nora! Jason beat him!"

That sure didn't help my panicked mind. We were going to die. Yep, that's it for me. I lived a fulfilling life, but not really. I didn't even lose my v-card yet, and I'm going to die in a forest at the hands of some obsessive dog! Why does life hate me?

"Just keep going!" I shouted. "And don't look back-"

I was cut off by an immense pain in my shoulder, a black blur in my peripheral. I screamed out in agony as Jason sank his jaws into my flesh, thrashing his head from side to side, making me lose my footing. He swung me to and fro as if I were some rag doll and he was intend on ripping me to shreds.

"Stop! Jason!" I shrieked, pathetically beating my tiny fists on his giant snout, but it all no use. It was as if my hands were paper. Nevertheless, I continued my relentless assault, my knuckles busting open as I tried to stop the werewolf from ripping my shoulder apart. Blood soaked through my shirt and was running down my arms in streams, splattering everywhere I hit Jason. My vision grew blurry and my head began to throb along with my shoulder.

Jessie spun around and rushed over to me. "Let go of her, Bastard!" she yelled, grabbing a tight hold of my feet. She tugged with all of her human might, not freeing me, but at least significantly settling down the thrashing.

Jason snarled at her, his blood-stained teeth barely visible to me if I turned my head to the left. Jessie's eyes widened, but she pursed her lips into a thin line and yanked on my legs, kind go tearing my skin more at my shoulder.

I cried out for them to stop, but my calls went unheeded, Jason and Jessie playing tug-o-war with my body.

Jason jerked backwards and Jessie lost her grip, making my legs fall to the hard ground with a thud. Jason let out a snort, practically taunting her, turning around and dashing though the forest back to his house, with me dangling in his muzzle.

My vision was almost black and my limbs felt cold as I continued to profusely bleed from my shoulder. "Vincent," I croaked out foolishly. I knew that he wouldn't be able to hear me, but something deep down inside (instincts maybe?) told me to call out for him.

"I'll find him!" Jessie yelled. "I'll find him and then he'll kick Jason's furry ass!"

Jason growled but continued on his way, his head held up high and his shoulder squared in an idiotic, triumphant manner. The house slowly came into view and then everything went completely black.

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