17. oh my god

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Eva's pov

I woke up and groaned and saw the room was dark and some old food on the table but there were cups on the table and i saw coffee smoking from there

Ok someone was just here

Wait why am I in a hospital

Just then i heard a gasp

I turned to it and saw

'Jace' i said and he ran to me and hugged me

'You finally woke up' he said

'Finally, how long has it been' i asked

'2 years' he said

'What the hell that bitch i swear to god she will die from every and i mean every way in the freaking book' i said and someone walked in

'Oh my you woke up' he said

'Im doctor Nathan I'm just gonna ask a few questions to know you dont have amnesia' he said

'Whats your name' he asked

'Eva ferrari' i said and jace nodded yes

'Do you remember how you got in a car crash' he asked

'Yea cause of some bitch' i said and jace laughed and nodded

'Your good to go I'll call cade' he said

Oh my god


'No dont' i said and he nodded and i walked out and jace slung his arm around me

'Why didn't you want Nathan to call cade' he asked

'Because I want revenge and if i want revenge cade won't let me and he will do everything even kill her and that's my job' i said

'So what do you want to tell cade' he asked

'Either get a fake body and put it in the room I was or say I'm dead' i said

'If you say your dead cade will jump off a bridge he even said he would kill himself' he said

'Shit he can't die so what do we do' i said

'He comes everyday at 6 and right now it's 12 we have 6 hours to try and find amanda or when he comes Nathan will tell your gone' he said

'If Nathan says I'm gone cade will go all gang leader on him and he will tell you were with me' i said

'Ok we are fucked we are just gonna have to go to him' jace said

'Let's go home to dad' i said and he nodded and brought me to his car

'Damn my back hurts' i said

'You have a few bruises here and there' he said and i nodded and he pulled up at the house

'Wow it feels like it was yesterday when we all bought dad icecream' i said

'That was ages ago you remember that' he said

'Like yesterday' i said and he knocked on the door and dad opened it

'Eva' he said and hugged me

'Oh god 2 years' he said

Wait if it's been 2 years


'Dad let's go in' i said and he was still hugging me and walked in

'Oh god how badly I missed you' he said

'I dont know I feel like this was like yesterday' i said and he showed me his phone

Ok he aint lying it's 2019

'Ok it's 2019' i said

'Ok we need to find a way to hide myself from cade' i said

'Just say your dead' he said

'He will kill himself' jace said

'He wishes he even told me he will never kill himself' Dad said

'Call him and say I'm dead I'm going to find that bitch' i spat

'What bitch' my dad said

'Amanda she caused this'  i said

'I'm helping I'm getting every hacker i know here' he said

'Im going to change I've got a hospital gown on for the past 2 years i haven't showered eww' i said and went into the bathroom and took a shower

I put on some leggings and a shirt and some socks jace had and i grabbed his laptop and saw it was dusty

Ok this is definitely gonna be slow

I opened it and started looking for her when I heard his voice

'I feel it she's not dead' 

Cades here.......shoot

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