Chapter 1

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New story everybody! This is my first ever werewolf story so vote and comment your opinions!

~MissieA out!

The wind rushed by as I zoomed past the trees. Running harder than ever, I pushed myself to keep on going when I heard the soft paws pounding on the forest ground right behind me. A low growl escaped from the animal behind me as it picked up speed.

Faster, almost there, urged the voice in my head.

I focused my eyes on the large tree I had to pass in order to prove my point. The animal behind me was now closer than before as I could now feel its hot breath on my hind legs. At that moment my chances at proving my point was completely crushed as the animal bit my tail making me whimper. It used that time to jump onto my back keeping me crushed under.

You quitting now Anna? You should know by now that you can't and will never outrun me. I heard my best friends voice in my head. Even though we were in wolf form I could almost feel Masons smirk.

I can damn try. Before I could add another sentence he nipped my ear making me let out a small whimper.

Say 'Masons the best and most handsome guy and I will never be able to run as fast as him'. My stubborn side refused to give in and say that. I wiggled under him feeling uncomfortable in this position. No.

Well then we can stay here for as long as I want. My wolf let out an extremely annoyed growl. He continued nipping around my neck and ears. At that point, a rustle in the bush near by made my animalistic -other than being in my pure white wolf form- side stand out.

My nose twitched as my unlucky prey came bursting into the open. Masons dark brown wolf, that was slightly bigger than mine, attacked it first.

Hey! That was mine! Unexpectedly, he shifted into his human form right after tearing into the rabbit. I diverted my eyes else where but it was too late. I shuddered inwardly trying to get rid of the picture I now had tattooed at the back of my head forever. He noted this planting a grin on his face.

"It has been nineteen years Anna, I think you should be used to my nakedness by now."

I rolled my eyes which might have looked weird on a wolf may I add. Mason walked behind the tree I was supposed to cross in order to prove she-wolfs were just as fast as male wolfs and pulled some clothes off the top branch. He pulled a pair of shorts on and threw a baggy large t-shirt in my direction. I caught it in my teeth rushing behind another tree. I shifted and put it on before he could take a peek.

"Aww shucks, and here I was hoping to take a peek," said Mason as I returned. He pinched my cheek making me swat his hand away like an annoying mosquito. In my world though, he kind of was a mosquito. You know being annoying and all over me.

"I don't think you'll ever be able to see this," I replied gesturing to my body. "This is as much as I'll ever show."

Masons shoulders dropped for a second before he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He guided us to the big boulder we usually sat on to watch the sunset. It gave us a beautiful view of the sky and the best part about this is no one besides the two of us even know about the boulder.

Mason and I found it eight years ago when we were both eleven. We had been playing tag and without knowing we were getting farther away from the pack village then we already were. We accidently stumbled into this area and I remember how I was awed at the sight of the sun setting. My mom loved looking up at the sky and I guess that's were I got it from. We stayed out for a really long time until my mother mind-linked me completely worried about my whereabouts. Lets just say when we got back we were in so much trouble. But it was worth it.

"Fine but one day," he trailed off running his hand over my thigh. I rolled my eyes at Masons antics. I considered him my brother even though we weren't blood related and when he said things like this it always grossed me out. Anyways, why did he always talk about my body when he already had a mate? Shouldn't he be doing that with her and not me?

"I think I'm going to go have a chat with Rose about you sexually harassing me." I tapped my pointer finger on my chin pretending to think about it. The look on Masons face was worth it to be honest. His eyes were wide as if he was a deer caught in the headlights. All color drained from his face and I could see a bit of sweat already forming on his forehead. I smirked internally loving how much control I had over him at the moment.

"Please Anna I'm begging you! You don't have to tell Rose," he said dabbing on his forehead to get rid of the sweat.

"First person to the top of the boulder gets to decide whether or not I should tell her," I say as I begin to climb up. Mason let out a groan and a few inappropriate words that would most likely had made his mother wash his mouth out with a bar of soap. The only reason he was groaning was because he wasn't a very great climber like me. Even though we are both werewolves he is a really lazy one.

I heard him trying to climb and thirty seconds later he fell down. "This isn't fair." I heard him mutter. If I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't have heard it but with my enhanced hearing, I could hear almost anything in a one mile radius.

I reached the top and laid down on my back staring at the sunset. I inhaled the forest air feeling completely at ease even with Masons cursing in the background. The forest looked so beautiful from where I was standing. I really loved the scenery.

Finally Mason made it to the top and shot me an angry glare as if telling me that was unfair. I shrugged and placed my head on his shoulder. He sighed and wrapped an arm around me staring straight ahead. Mason liked the forest but not as much as me. If he was to choose between staying in the pack house playing Call of Duty or running in the forest, he'd most likely choose the option that damages the brain. Even though his head is already a bit messed up.

"So I was wondering where I should take Rose on our date this Friday. Do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe you could take her to the movies or bowling?" When it came to things like this I was useless. I didn't have a mate and I wasn't really desperate. Mason snorted rolling his eyes at me. He sighed.

"I want this to be something special. Ten years from now I want her to look back and tell me exactly where I took her on our first date." Now listen to this. Mason may me a complete idiot with the most messed up head but he is a complete idiot with a heart. He'd do anything to protect his loved ones and even those he doesn't know.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye inspecting him head to toe. His eyebrows were pulled together and he pursed his lips. He only made that face when he is thinking hard about something. His shaggy brown hair was really messy but it suited him. His light hazel eyes was still staring at the sky as if his answer would suddenly appear out of nowhere. He hadn't shaved this morning so I'd say he was rocking the fuzzy stubble.

His muscular form was from the waist up was on show. I have a feeling if Rose was here she'd be a possessive girl. But with a mate like Mason who wouldn't get possessive? All in all even though Mason was like a brother I'd have to say he is really handsome.

He opened his mouth to say something when his eyes became dazed as if he was in a trance. I quickly realized someone was mind linking him. I waited for him to come back to reality. When he did he was looking confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't respond. It seemed as if he was waiting for something to happen. Just when I was about to ask him again, Alpha Brayton, my alpha of the Blue Bloods pack, sent a mind-link to everyone.

Pack meeting in ten minutes, everyone must be present.

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