Chapter 6

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"You know what he said about you wasn't true?" Xander asked, he rather accused me.
"I know." I responded submissively, my head hanging low.
"He only wants to play you, fuck you, then leave you. He wouldn't actually like you." He stated.
"I know." A lonely tear slid down my cheek.
He muttered something as I just sat on my bed.
I knew all the things he said, I would have worded them differently, but I kind of knew that there would be something wrong when someone actually talked humanly to me.
I guess I just didn't deserve friends. I can't think of anything I did, but I must have done something wrong for everyone to hate me.
But hey, I still have my brothers.

Ok, stop all the negative thoughts Arabelle. Just sitting here doing nothing won't help you. Maybe Xander was wrong? I'm sure he was!

I jumped off my bed and ran down the stairs, I was met by Lukas who stood in the hallway, checking his phone. He gave me a warm smile as he recognised who I was.
I ran over to him and hugged him, his arms wrapped themselves around me, squeezing me.
"Lukas? Can you help me please?" I asked him, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"What is it Babe? He asked smiling, his arms still around my waist.

"I uhm, I k-kind of want to make friends here and you know the others a lot better than I do. Can you help me make f-friends please?" I mumbled quietly, a stutter accompanied my words and I let my head hang , a bit embarrassed to openly admit that I was lonely, even if it was so obvious.

Lukas frowned a bit, thinking about what I had asked him.

"I'm not sure, it won't be as easy as you might think. I don't want you to get hurt by the others."
"Oh I'm sure I'll be fine" I grinned at him, but my words obviously didn't give him any reassurance, as a frown was still plastered on his face.

"Well, I guess..." He mumbled.

I happily clapped my hands and ran towards the door, which separated me and the bodyguards.
I knocked twice and quickly was faced with a grumpy looking Isaac.

"Hello Isaac, nice to see you again!" I threw him a blinding smile, in response He attempted to shut the door.
However, key- word: attempted. He was stopped by Lukas foot, which was now stuck between the door and it's frame.
"Let her in Isaac" he sighed.
Isaac, who was a little confused, opened the door wide enough for me to hush through.
Unlike last time,there were barely any people in the room, I guess it just wasn't the time.
I received a few stares, even glares as I made my way to the couch, where the majority of people sat and played on their PlayStation.
Lukas sat beside me, wrapping his arms securely around my shoulders.
After a while everyone stopped staring and continued their game.

Suddenly Michael entered the room. He looked surprised as he saw me sitting on the couch, I beamed at him as I saw his features soften a little.
I jumped onto his arms, which he definitely didn't expect because be almost dropped me.

"What are you doing here?" He frowned and shot me light glare. He gently let me down as I still smiled at him, happy that he finally talked to me.
"I want to be your friend Michael!"
He just pushed me to the side and and walked towards Lukas, who quietly watched us.

"Lukas I need to talk to you" was all I could hear, before the two big men left the room.
I sat back onto the soft sofa and continued watching the guys play.

After a while I tapped Jackson's shoulder, he was too focused on the game. I tapped the boy sitting right next to me again.
"Uhm, c-could I maybe a-also try playing?"
He grunted, but stopped to look at me. Then he suddenly told the others to stop and handed me the controller.

"So the game's name is Fifa. It's easy, really. This is how you let them run, you need to press this button to shoot and here is how you turn and pass the ball to other players." I listened intently as he explained everything to me.

Then I started to play myself and boy was I good. I didn't need a lot of practice to kick the other guys' behinds, I was a natural haha.

A giggle left my mouth as I watched Louis, my opponent, look at the controller disbelievingly.
"What age did you start playing?"He asked me
"Today" I answered, giggling even more.

A loud bang stopped my laughter and I looked at the intruder.

Xander roughly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.
Clumsy as I am, stumbled and my head hit the sharp edge of the couch table before dropping to the floor.

I gasped at the pain and I felt something liquidy as I laid there. Everyone stood around me, but I couldn't recognise any faces at the moment.
My vision became blurry and and whimper left my mouth before I fell into the darkness.

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