chapter 33

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'What did they do jack' i said

'Claire took luke somewhere and we have no idea where she is in the pythons she attacked the other day woo I'm out of shape' he said and i ran downstairs


'That bitch took luke Kevins trying to find them' Lucy said

'Where is kevin'  i said

'In his office upstairs 3rd door on the right' she said and i walked in

'I'm a hacker let me do it' i said

'And so am i' jack said

'Jack you are not going on the deep web' i said

'I told him to go on that it's easier and faster' Kevin said

'The deep Web is a bloody scam' i said and typed up more codes and got into some security footage and saw Claire with her brother and luke

'They are snakes Claire and her brother both work for the pythons oh when I etc my hands on her shes going right where Chad and chanel went and I'll dump this bitch in acid this bith ain't having no fucking wedding' i hissed

'Ok chill' Kevin said and i nodded and saw she put her in a van

'Hey Kevin write this down de98 tjo' i said

'Done' he said

'Now let's see where this car is' i sad tracking it

'What the fuck its telling me it's 2 blocks away' i said

'That's where our old house was she's trying to trick she thinks we won't find her easily I'm calling the gang get Lucy and patch up' he said

'Can i go' jack said

'No it's a shootout you can get hit' kevin said

'Just practice your karate or go to some skate park your brother will be home by today i promise' i said and he kissed my cheek and i ran downstairs

'We found them Kevins calling the gang Lucy let's get patched up'  i said and she handed me waist bands and knives and guns and snipers with swords

'LET'S GO THE GANGS HERE' Kevin said and i walked downstairs and i grabbed 2 pistols

'Let's go' i said and jumped in the suv and Lucy started crying

'Lucy get it together i know he's your son but he's my boyfriend and you can't cry and soot at the same time' I said and she nodded and hugged me

'We are here now be sut-' Kevin said

'Just kick open the door wimps go for the windows Badasses go for the front door' i said and kicked it open and saw nothing but dirt

'Split up find luke' i said and Kevin went with Lucy and i went with some other guy

'I'm nathan' he said

'I dont care find luke' i said and opened a door and saw loads of files

'This bitch has to be here' i said and went through the files and saw Kevin Lucy and jacks even luke back ground check and mien but nothing was there

Probably because I deleted all my files


I heard guns shots so i took all the files and ran to where I heard them and they were upstairs

I saw people fighting and kicking and i saw


'JACK' i yelled and he came to me

'Sorry I jumped in the back' he said

'It's fine stay with me and try find luke' i said and sit and killed loads u til I went upstairs and slowly walked the hallway

'Um baby I've been waiting for this for a long time' it was Claire

'I hate you let me go' luke



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