Chapter 18

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**Percy Jackson**

"I think that looks perfect."

Kronos was looking directly at my new branding. The mark on my neck was visible for all to see, and I knew if I ever got to go back to camp, no one would look at me the same as they did before. I was a traitor now, even if i didn't have a choice.

"How about we give him a mission?" Luke suggested as he walked into the room. "We could send him to Camp Half-Blood and use him as an example."

"We shouldn't risk it," Kronos mused with a glare aimed at me. "He has already shown us that his loyalties lay elsewhere."

I had to stop myself from scowling. He had done nothing to earn my loyalty. In all reality, the people at Camp Half-Blood hadn't either. I just knew that Annabeth and the campers at camp had shown kindness. They didn't try to rule others through pain and fear.

"We could bring Annabeth, Grover, and the Stolls in here. If we show Percy his place, he has a better chance of listening."

I looked up quickly, fighting against my bonds slightly. "You have to leave them alone. Luke, Annabeth is basically your little sister."

Luke scowled, leaving the room. I didn't care at this point that I had exploited my greatest weakness (even though they probably already knew it). Kronos watched me with a calculating look, probably trying to figure out how to make me mind him.

Luke suddenly barged into the room, dragging Annabeth with him by her shirt collar. I tried to break at my chains. There was no way I was going to let them hurt her. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my system, and I let my Poseidon powers work for me.

I heard Luke choke before I even realized I was doing anything. He dropped Annabeth onto the ground, his hands instinctively reaching for his throat. Both Annabeth and Kronos looked panicked, because this was probably the last thing they would have thought I would do. But as soon as it started, I went limp from exhaustion.

**Luke Castellan**

I dropped to the ground as soon as Percy passed out, my legs getting tingly as all of the blood in my body began to move again. Kronos actually looked concerned as he watched me. Annabeth glanced at Percy warily.

"He's... more powerful than we thought he was," Kronos said slowly, once again glancing at Percy.

"We could train his powers," I said, coughing. The words took too much effort to get out. "He could be our greatest weapon."

"He would be our greatest threat, too," Kronos debated. He wanted Percy for their side, but this new power terrified him. "If we train that specific power to get stronger, he could easily use it to kill us. He already used it against you."

I frowned a little. The Titan King was terrified of a demigod that just learned of his power? Luke looked at the girl beside him, struggling to sit up. He guessed he understood. How could Luke convince Kronos that they could use Percy? How could he convince Kronos that Luke wouldn't kill anyone?


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