» purposes pt. 2

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"Now that I have regained my vocals, time to continue. And remember to hush." I flipped the page and my eyes focused on the next fifty.

"51. Memes. You will miss out on the next crazy meme that our generation creates.

52. You might not think that this matters, but you living is helping so many people. What if someone was about to kill themselves but you smiled at them and they needed that reason to not do it? Why miss that chance to save a life?

53. There are two sides to humanity. Surround yourself with the ones that care.

54. Bomb selfies you're gonna miss out on taking.

55. What if you star in a movie? Anything is possible.

55. Seeing the Northern Lights.

56. A beautiful dress to wear on your honeymoon.

57. A helicopter ride above New York City.

58. There is no one in the world like you. Isn't that crazy? So why end something so special, so unique?

59. Being able to sleep in a penthouse.

60. Stargazing for hours on end.

61. Coffee, and chocolates, and pasta, and watermelon, and strawberries, and just food, basically.

62. Hugs. Warm, loving, hugs.

63. Making new friends that make you smile constantly.

64. How are you going to stitch up someone's arm when you're not going to be doing cellular respiration yourself? That's what you bio majors say, right?

65. Correct me on my bad grammar, and my medical terminology.

66. Daily facts that you send me. I'm going to miss them so much.

67. Your deep conversations. The female version of Gandhi.

68. Discovering new creatures on earth and maybe naming them after you.

69. Uh.. seeing aliens? You don't know.

70. You won't be able to see your little family members grow up.

71. Spinning in the snow. Tasting snowflakes.

72. Clear, blue, ocean waves and sands.

73. The fact that you can save me so much money by cracking the codes of Photoshop and illegally downloading music.

74. Life is what you make of it.

75. Naming a star after the person you love.

76. Planting a seed, and nurturing it to grow into a pretty, colorful flower.

77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.

78. Imagine how the lives of the people you've impacted would be. They wouldn't be the person they are today.

79. Not all heroes wear capes. I know you want to wear a white coat really badly. Make that dream come true.

80. Make people be in awe.

81. Sleeping after a long day.

82. The weird whale noises, sound waves thingy you listen to so you can fall asleep.

83. One day, your smile will be real.

84. Bubble baths.

85. Designing your first home.

86. Making memories with your best friends.

87. Pulling all-nighters to watch a new TV show you found.

88. Seeing your grandparents after years of being miles apart.

89. Wearing a beautiful outfit and feeling oh so confident.

90. Take pictures of your kids on their first day of school just to embarrass them in the future.

91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and be so proud that you didn't commit.

92. Have a hard copy of your book in your hands.

93. Out of the billions of chances that someone else could have been born, it was you. There's a reason for that.

94. Learning a new language. French is next on the list.

95. Directing/writing a movie. That's a possibility.

96. Take those typical relationship photos and have them framed in your house.

97. Take your age. Count how many days is that. You've made it this far. Let's double that, and we'll talk then.

98. Share your life's adventures with your kids when you're older. About the day where you DIYed your new highlights, or how you accidentally ran away as a kid, or how you had a peacock as a pet.

99. You will always have someone to talk to.

And finally,

100. Be able to grow and learn to love yourself, as I have grown to love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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