19. A letter

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My life is boring. Can you imagine that? And yet, I'm not lying - my life is unmistakably and utterly boring. The last two and a half weeks after the famous BBQ where I met literally everyone, were absolutely B.O.R.I.N.G. Although the BBQ itself was quite an adventure, but not how one would imagine. I myself thought that it would be nerve wrecking, but no, I wanted to hop on the nearest wolf and run all the way up to Canada only the first hour or so, that is before Nathan introduced me to everyone and then while I was waiting for someone to start doubting my intentions or to start seeing me as a threat. On the contrary - everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was so welcoming, as if I were a wolf myself. Somewhere at the back of my mind there was a thought lingering, that it was mostly because of my inhuman self, just as I deal with animals when they instantly trust me, I may be appealing to the human side of the were population. But since my level of knowledge was close to non-existent, I brushed that thought aside pretty quickly. 

Anyways, not long after Nathan introduced me to everyone, Lena became the boss of me again and dragged me in the general direction of the food, and as soon as my nerves subsided, I was kinda glad about it, I was eating for two after all. The road to food was blocked by everyone, seeing as they wanted to personally greet me, so I met so many Betties, Harry's, Mark's, Anna's and so on and on and on, and everyone wanted to touch either me or my belly, and everyone wanted to wish me a happy staying, or just state that they will take care of me, the list goes on... Honestly? I was touched to tears. That was so different to my previous life! I'm not saying that people in my home town were bad, no, they were good and welcoming, until their own ass was on fire. But this, this was completely different - they viewed me as ... family? I have no idea how this was possible, but that was exactly the vibe I was getting from those people. I was literally a nobody to them, even more - an outsider, but after a few words from their Alpha, I was accepted with no questions asked. That showed me the amount of trust placed in their leader, I wish our Mayor held this much authority... Unbelievable. Remarkable. I was happy, what more can I add? 

That evening was not only the happiest I had in a while, but also the most exciting in the foreseeable future, hence my bed rest regime Dr. Green prescribed. My days were now filled with rest, file sorting, food and then rest again. And as soon as someone was home - more food and rest. It took me a week to sort through the mess doc Evans created in the years of his career, the next week my only duty was to receive calls and arrange his work calendar. The old man gave me the clinics cell, I forcefully made him embrace the beauty of google calendar and much to my surprise - he did dig it (his words, not mine). So I can safely say that my life was indeed boring. 

Now, two and a half weeks later I am at home, alone, lounging on the porch with a glass of cold lemonade (a sin I indulge in, since it's way too sugary to be healthy, as Dr. Green says, but since no one is here to stop me, I'm sinning!), staring blankly at the fading sun. My movements are pretty limited, because my belly is growing rapidly and with my injury it's getting close to impossible to get up from anywhere by myself. Honestly? It is humiliating. Last two days Shirley had to help me to get up from bed when I woke up, because I was so unbalanced, that I got scared. I can only imagine what's to come next. I googled pregnancy once again and my stomach looks like I'm on month 8, not the beginning of month 5, but well, my baby girl is special, after all. 

Speaking of, this little bandit has grown to be such a daredevil! I think she is planning to become a professional gymnast, according to all the salto's she attempts to perform inside of me. Shirley and Jonathan are ecstatic about it and every time she moves, they both hover over me as if they don't have 5 children of their own. Me on the other hand? I'm happy, yes, but how many times a day can one pee?! And that's just the least of my troubles. The worst part is that my girl is obviously much stronger then I am, so her every punch is pretty painful. After one episode that left a real bruise on my belly Shirley got so concerned, that made Dr. Green come back from some fancy were doctor conference she was attending in a neighboring pack and take a look at me. Turns out that I have a tiny bitsy problem here. It is natural for wolves to to have two parents. Apparently there is a certain instinct a male wolf has towards his pregnant mate, that instinct is to care for her and not only in mundane things, but also spiritually, that means that every time my girl is hyperactive her father should be able to calm her down, because stress is bad for both - a mother and a child. And I don't have a mate, thus the baby stays active, I start to worry from the physical pain, my blood pressure rises, the baby feels the stress and starts stressing herself. So unless I calm down myself and start communicating with my girl with double effort, it can end pretty badly. I sort of figured out myself that I had to do it, but knowing the extent of the consequences made me feel uneasy. And also everyone else around. So starting from tomorrow I am going to always have someone with me, just in case. I knew pregnancies were not a walk in the park, but that is just a cherry on top of my life pie. 

Doc Evans appears from the house and brings me out of my dream land. He comes around every day and usually brings me something as a gift. I thinks he sees me as a daughter he never had, and I also feel as if he is a fatherly figure in my life now. I quickly shut down the thoughts that arise with the mentioning of my own family and turn to doc Evans to greet him. 

"Hey doc! How was your day?"

Doc crouches down to my level and kisses my head. 

"As usual, people are morons, you would thing that being an animal themselves would be helpful with the pets, but I swear, it sometimes borders with insanity..."

Doc throws his hands in the air in an exasperated gesture to which I simply laugh.

 "Oh, come one, doc, there is a difference between being a wolf and owning a cat, no?"

"There is, but can you imagine dressing your pup in a raincoat? NO! But Anna from the book store, the one that is 105 years old, she bought her collie one, because, and I quote, Rufus doesn't like getting wet, and guess what happens?"

"Oh no, what happened?" I'm joining doc Evans in this game, my eyes are full with laughter, and his ones are too, but he hides it well, he has to maintain the image of a grumpy old man, right?

"The fur on poors animal's belly got stuck in the zipper, and this very clever woman still zipped it up till the very end!"

I pressed both hands to my mouth to stifle my laugh, but it breaks free either way, because let's face it, it is hilarious! 

"Oh no! Poor doggy! What did you do?"

"I hd to cut the damn thing off of the dog and then shave his belly, all the way while Anna was screaming at me that I have ruined a very fashionable rain coat that she bought for 150$! Can you imagine that old fool?" Doc Evans facepalms himself, but a smile breaks free and we both laugh. 

"I honestly can not imagine dressing up a collie in a raincoat and spending 150$ on it..."

"Same, girlie, same... I would rather buy a bottle of fine scotch or something, but a raincoat for a dog?..."

"I wouldn't buy a bottle of booze either." I raise a brow in doc's direction.

"Girlie, not just booze, but a FINE bottle of scotch..."

"You men with your fine booze and cigars..."

We stay silent for a moment, than doc Evan remembers something.

"By the way, sweetheart! There was a letter for you in the clinic! Here." With that he pulls out a yellow envelope out of his back pocket. 

"A letter for me? Is it from the school?" I am confused, I thought we picked up all the papers last time we went there.

"Don't think so, there is no return address." He eyes me suspiciously.

"That is odd. Nobody knows I'm here, I haven't spoken to anyone since I left..." My brows are furrowed now, that is beyond strange. Who would write me a letter and with no return address? 

"Hm..." is all doc says. I eye him with my brows still furrowed, but take the envelope. Carefully I open it and pull out the contents. A gasp leaves my lips.

"What the hell..." I whisper to no one in particular. My hands start to tremble, because the content of the letter was... pictures of me. 10 pictures of me, to be precise. All from the university - from the cafeteria where we had lunch, from the coffee shop and then from the bench where I sat waiting for doc Evans to finalize all the paperwork. My eyes are huge as I pass the pictures to doc Evans, and as soon as he realizes what I was holding in my hands, his facial expression turns grim. 

"Well that's interesting..." he mutters under his breath. 

Interesting? Yeah, no shit. I think I have a stalker... 

A/N  A short chapter, but a chapter nonetheless! Thank you for reading, for all the votes and comments! I see all of you and my heart swells! Honestly, when I started writing this story, it was just for me mostly, I never thought that I would get any response and used it as a fun way to practice my writing skills, but I will be trying harder and yeah, thank you! Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me and see you soon! 

From scratch ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ