Hallow's Horrid News

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Leiah noted that Hallow was unususally quiet during dinner. He lay slumped in his own chair, a deeply pensative look written all over his orange face. Everyone seemed to notice it as well, though they didn't exactly care except for the beautiful princess. She began to think it was because she ended up going straight to her room after her encounter with Catarina. She suspected Hallow must have been upset with her.

"Hallow? She interjected politely, watching as the spirit's eyes moved towards her direction. "I just want to say I'm sorry for not finishing the pumpkin. I wasn't feeling well and had to go rest."

Hallow faked a yawn, stretching his long arms as he rose his boots up and rested them on the table. The human king next to him scrunched up his nose in disapproval, as he noticed the sharp metal spikes on his unwanted guests shoes were scratching his expensive table.

"I blame myself for providing you with so many sweets in one day." Hallow spoke with feigned concern, "But after today's announcement, your little tummy will surely feel worse I assure you."

"Why's that?" Leiah asked, a bit of nervousness starting to build up inside her.

Before Hallow could shout his unexpected announcement and terrify his quiet companions, Catarina wandered into the hall, rolling in a tray of that night's mystery dinner. She began to serve each covered dish to every one present, glancing up to exchange a knowing look with her King. He gave a slight nod and suddenly shot up from his seat, making half of the people in the room jump in their chairs.

"I have been here for a day and most of you have annoyed me to my very core." Hallow's booming voice shook everyone to their own core, and they watched with dread as the spirit continued his speech. "Everywhere I look, I have seen such hideous human faces all contorted into disgusting looks of disapproval. Nearly all have rejected my poor, humble celebration and my poor, humble citizens." Hallow dramatically placed a hand over his forehead, the other stretched up towards the ceiling as if reaching for something unattainable.

"But, alas! What is the ray of moonlight piercing through this wretched kingdom's thick curtain of foolishness? Her scent is like pumpkin spice. Her eyes are round, juicy and delici-."

Catarina cleared her throat aloud, pulling Hallow out of whatever poetic cloud he had floated into. With a loud cough, he stepped off the table and bent down on one firm knee, his large claws grabbing on to Leiah's small, paralyzed hands.

"Lovely Leiah. You are the only human who understands this gloriously wicked king. Marry me, and together this celebration will flourish and nourish the underworld for years to come!"

The girl's father was the first to howl in disapproval. He nearly choked on his wine again, only this time his face became red with each coughing fit. "N-no! What on earth- Leiah, don't listen to him, he's trying-!" Hallow snapped his fingers and the human king's mouth was suddenly sealed shut by an unseen force.

Tyrell was the next one to get on Hallow's nerves. He nearly threw his chair back as he bolted up, struggling to come to terms with what had just went down. "Hallow, you can't be serious?! She's not ready for marriage and you're not even human!"

Leiah tried to control her emotions, but the chaos rising around her was making her feel even more anxious. The spirit was right, her stomach started to twist and ache like she was about to throw up. Without a word, she took many steps back and ran out of the dining hall. Her organs were about ready to leap out of her throat, and she didn't want anyone present to see how embarrased she had become.

The whole room was silent once the princess disappeared, leaving a fuming Hallow King behind. He stepped back up and turned to his wide eyed guests, all of them in great shock from his horrid news.

"This is horrid," The king of Feria shook his head as his lips were finally free, "I can't breathe. Why...why couldn't you just stay underground?"

"She won't ever say yes to you," Tyrell broke in, a small leap of hope rising inside him, "You barely met, plus you're not even her type. When she finds out that you're actually trying to-."

"Oh stop pouring your bleeding heart all over me. I have made my choice! I want a human bride and I want our little, cruel children running around, wreaking havoc wherever they step. Isn't that absolutely everything one can dream of?"

"Ch-children?!" The king's eyes flew back and so did his chair. He landed on to the floor with a loud bang, passed out cold.

Tyrell and the other guards were ready to run to their true king's aid, but Hallow stopped them before they could even move an inch.

"Now, now. No need to be hasty. If we leave him, then perhaps the wrinkled sausage will finally die."

"Hallow," Catarina scolded her King mildly, crossing her arms as she gave him a certain look. His fire flared in defiance, but he obeyed the wise cat woman and stepped back, allowing for the men to rush to their fallen ruler.

Hallow stepped over the crouching individuals, sneering as he strode over to Catarina and her empty cart.

"That was a very beautiful proposal, your majesty."

"Did you see how she took my 'beautiful' proposal? Ran right off before I could receive a proper response."

Catarina giggled to herself, trying to hide the large smile forming on her pretty lips. "Didn't you see her face? She was practically the color of blood. You have a way of making that young girl's heart beat so very hard."

Hallow stood up tall, his being filling with pride as he crossed his arms and watched the distracted, panicked men before him. "I am the best of the best, aren't I? She will marry me and my plan will go exactly the way I envisioned it."

"What plan?"

An unexpected voice caught the two off guard, and they turned simulatenously towards a familiar woman seated by herself. She wore a frown, like usual, and eyed the spirit she was still uncomfortable around with a critical scowl.

"What plan?" Vivian repeated, causing Hallow to hiss in dissaproval as he and Catarina both glanced at one another.

"Why don't I tell you somewhere more private, dear?" The tall woman responded, patting Hallow's arm in reassurance. His discontent vanished, as he knew Cat wouldn't dare utter a word of anything she knew. What she would do to keep the human quiet was all up to her. Hallow would pretend he knew nothing if the snot nosed princess suddenly went missing.

"You should probably check on Leiah, Hallow," Catarina urged him to bend down so she could whisper to his head, "And don't forget to be the ultimate gentleman. You need to woo her completely."

"I always am the gentleman, my dear kitten." He tickled the bottom of her smooth chin before turning and focusing on the entrance of the living room door. Wherever Leiah had run off to, he was sure she was alone- the perfect opportunity for him to show her how they were destined to be together for eternity.

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