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I didn't go back to work for two weeks. Dee said it would be good for me to stay away for a while. As far as I knew, he'd hired a temp and had only tried calling me personally twice, but I didn't answer. Dee was right; I needed my space to figure things out, and I did. Our relationship was best kept professional, and I hoped he would agree and leave it that way.

I did end up going on a date with Julien, and it was really nice. He didn't make it too fancy or too casual. It wasn't too awkward or anything. It was perfect, something I feel like I couldn't have with Markus. He walked me home, and he even kissed me, nothing like that night in the elevator. He admitted that it was a little more than alcohol taking over than our decision-making, to which I agreed.

I walked into the office and made it to my desk to find everything in a completely different order than I left it in. So I had to waste an hour reorganizing my work area before Markus got there so I would be ready actually to work. Once I finished that.
I placed the rest of the transcript and my notes on his desk and went back to mine. The temp left notes of things that needed to be done today, and  I started on that.

I had to make meetings and reschedule meetings and cancel lunch with his mother again. I told her his schedule was just too busy for him to take time for lunch, which wasn't exactly a lie this time. She offered to bring him lunch, but I quickly shot that down, reminding her of how horribly it went the last time she showed up around the office which she agreed. I still have yet to see why he hates his mother so much.

About two hours into my shift, Markus showed up. He walked past my desk, hesitating slightly but continued to his office without a word. I could see him through his office window, and he saw my notes then looked back at me. I wasn't sure if he caught me staring, but at least he didn't come to acknowledge it.

It was a pretty uneventful day if you don't country conference calls and other phone calls and meetings. We didn't leave the office too much, and I barely left my desk, but I had phone call after phone call, and pretty much everyone wanted to leave a message for him since he had been so busy and ordered for no phone calls unless they were scheduled calls.

Julien surprised me with lunch; I wish he hasn't come to the office, but he did. It was nice, and Markus didn't seem to notice him, at least that's what I hope.

He lifted a bag from a local deli I'd told him I liked and placed it in front of me before sitting half on my desk.

"So, how's the day so far?"

"Good. Really busy, though. Nonstop calls. Nonstop meetings. You know office life."

He chuckles and nods in agreement. He looks in the direction of Markus's office, then back at me, "How are things with, jerk in there since the trip?"

I looked towards his office. Markus was looking straight at me, but as soon as I saw him, he looked away. "Not much talking. He hasn't really come out of his office."

Before he could say something else, Markus came out with a handful of papers and slapped them on my desk next to my lunch. "I need these looked over and filed by the end of the day." He glanced at Julien and, without another word, went back to his office.

We were both silent, me staring at the pike of papers and Julien staring after Markus.

"I should get started," I whispered lower than expected, but he somehow still heard me, or he just knew what was going to be said.

"Yea, I'll see you later then." he said, standing up and headed out, "Oh, um. He is a jerk." It brought a smile to my face, and I'm sure that was his intention. I watched him leave before starting on the pile. It wasn't really much, just the transcripts and which ones to call and reject and schedule future meetings with.

When I finally finished, I let myself into Markus's office and placed them on his desk. "Thank you."

I didn't say anything. He didn't deserve my attention.

"I don't know what I did wrong here." I turned from the door and looked at him in disbelief. "I truly don't. I thought our night went great, then you leave, and what was with your friend stomping on my foot? Twice?!"

I shook my head and placed the note on his desk. "That."

He didn't even have to pick it up to know what it was or what it said. "Janice,"

"No. I don't want to hear it." I motioned between the two of us, "This will never, ever happen again. Ever." With that, I left.

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