Zoo Life

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Five years have gone by since Delia was rescued from an approaching storm. Taken from her family and brought to Australia zoo. Crystal got used to Delia quickly and was patient with her. Three months after Delia arrived at the zoo she started to live with Crystal alone and was shown to the public. Things were good for Delia she was well taken cared of but never shifted into her human form.

But she is now a full grown tigress and is beautiful. Fifteen months ago though Crystal died of old age. She was twenty-five and Delia still moans the passing of her adopted mother. The only one who makes Delia happy is her head keeper and savoir Jack.

Delia's POV

I lay in my night enclosure on the flat roof beside the door that lead outside. Looking to the bars where Jack would soon appear with my food. I felt his footsteps through the ground and stretch. I maybe deaf, but my other senses like touch have heightened. I can feel things through the ground as something hits it. Not so much on dirt but on hard ground.

Jack appears and I see him saying something as he holds a bowl. I smelt deer meat and jump down from my perch. Walking over to the bars separating Jack and I. I sit down and he pats my head through the bars smiling at me. Before heading me the meat one slice at a time. But as I finish the last piece I feel something prick my back leg and roar. Soon I grow tired and lay on the ground as Jack enter the cage followed by Cole.

(After Delia is asleep) Jack's POV

"Act quickly we have ninety minutes" Cole tells the vet team. Delia was getting a her health check today. We are also going to see if she is fertile as we plan on trying to breed her soon.

"Marvelous specimen even if she is deaf" the head vet states.

"Claws, teeth and eyes all good" the nurse tells the head vet.

"As is her skin and fur" the other adds.

"Then let's do the ultra sound to see if she is fertile" the head vet tells them. They turn on the machine and place the wand on Delia's stomach. After moving it around looking at the screen they turn it off. "She is in perfect condition to breed" the head vet states.

"Good, now we just need to find a patient male to breed with her" Cole says smiling.

"I don't know guys, she's never been around cubs or male tigers" I remind them. "It may take time to breed her successfully" I tell them. The head vet agrees and gives Delia the antidote to the sedative. We all get out of the enclosure and they leave while I wait for her to wake up. She does so ten minutes later and I give her an apologetic smile. She just huffs and turns her back to me obviously upset with me. I sigh opening the door to her outside enclosure before leaving.

(After Jack leaves) Delia's POV

I feel betrayed by Jack and Cole for what happened to me. I knew Cole had to of been the one who shoot me a I smelt him in the hall with Jack. It was only after I was shot that the vets appeared and I blacked out. But I know I won't hold a grudge against Jack for long maybe a few hours. Cole probably a few days.

Sighing I enter the outside enclosure deciding to have a swim as it is a hot summers day. Once done I lay in the shade as visitors look at me taking photos. Honestly I wasn't bothered it happened everyday. But something felt different today especially when I see a young man appear with two children.

The man hand golden brown hair with amber eyes while the two kids looked slightly different. The girl had golden blonde hair and blue eyes, while the boy looks like a younger version of the older one. I felt drawn to the man as I stand up in the shade. The man's amber eyes look with my green hazel ones and I feel something pass through us.

Adrian's POV

I am have taken my little brother and sister to the zoo for the day. It our parents wedding anniversary so I volunteered to baby sit. Luke and Leia wanted to see the tiger first so we head towards it's enclosure. As we drew closer an amazing scent filled my nose. "Where is it?" Leia asks when we arrive.

"Over there under the tree" Luke says pointing and I follow his hand. There I see the most beautiful tigress in the world standing up. She looked at us with curiosity and locks eyes with me as my lion screams 'Mate!'.

"Look it says that she is now apart of the breeding program" Leia says pointing to the sign. I growl in anger not only is my mate being caged like a common animal. But they were planning on having her breed with a stupid feral feline. I vowed there and then to release her from her captivity.


Picture above of Delia now and picture on the external link of her behind the scenes enclosure. Picture of her outside enclosure: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1396/625405656_8b458cfd3d.jpg.

P.s Delia is the daughter of pride leaders so she grows quicker then regular shifters. But not as fast as a royal one. So if she were human she'd look about fifteen not like a five year old girl.

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