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Unknown POV

She walked to the centre above the arena beside her King. Little did she know that our plans had finally set in motion every one was in on it apart from her house and now my master would soon needn't worry about the prophecy he would be able to take his rightful place as the god of darkness and death. I sat down using my demonic eyes as binoculars watching as every thing would soon play out.

Jessicas POV

I walked beside Elliot to the centre of the arena a few hours ago I had met up with a few members of my house that had become close friends to me. We ran through the Forrest back here to where we all got changed and sat down ready for the fights. Or as we say initiation night. I night for some of the assassins around the world to compete for a place on the golden list, a list that eventually gets you into one of the 4 houses, well that is after they complete the second stage.

Seeing the other kings and queens put me on high alert none of us liked the other. We were an on going competition and ever since getting here I have felt an uneasiness growing. One starting with the fact that all of us powerful players in the assassin world were here this never happened ever in the history of the deck, usually you'd only get 2 of the kings or queens sometimes both but that was it nothing more and sometimes even less.

"Well this is certainly unpleasant isn't it Kent to think I wasted my time coming here because you were curious about the candidates" The queen of diamonds said grunting.

"Not every one needs to know what foolish thoughts run through your head so please for the sake of everyone here, shut up." Ronald said bringing down a club making her snarl flashing a silver knife from the side of her red gown.

"Bringing down the club as always Ronald. You must one day under stand that adults don't get worked up over things like this." Lexi said I smiled and laughed.

"Got a problem spades." They looked at me grinning I just laughed some more.

The uneasy feeling returned 10 fold. Something was up.

They were all glaring at me. They were up to so,etching that's for sure.

"Ahh yes we forgot to mention. We brought you a gift in a congratulations for killing your erm.... Ex...mate...I mean you don't see that every day." The queen of clubs said handing me a box.

So words already gotten out I see.

I cautiously reached out and took the cold cardboard box.

The tension and suspension was growing, something inside of me told and even begged me not to open it, giving one last reassuring look, I tilted the bow starting to open it. I could hear something inside rolling about and when I opened it up the whole arena went quite as if they were in on the act.

I looked up to the King and queen of hearts their blazing red frizzy hair looked as if it was on fire she wore a dress like mine only red and a red heart on her left cheek like the King they smiled wickedly as did the others.

gowns of red and black began to swirl in my mind.
I dropped the box with the frozen head of the man I had come and grown to know and respect as a father. his green eyes crystallised and shrunken back with blue lips.

You could hear a small pin sailing through the air hearing it drop I looked down and around me every one smiled. Looking back I see my house and my friends who had concerned looks on there faces as to what was going on. Letting my know they weren't in on the act. And all of usudden an earth shuttering snarl so loud it shock the air escaped my lips unconsciously. Letting go of my aura a little threatening the group who stood beside me to make a move I managed to turn the kings and queens of assassins pale.
"My god she was right." The club queen spoke I hadn't let half my aura out as I looked back down to the box and back up towards them. A single tear escaped my eye looking I watched it fall and splash against my second fathers face be,ow his eye in a rather dramatic sappy gesture, Elliot beside me growled raising his upper lip challenging all 6 of them to a fight. I snapped my head up.

"You have crossed a line that no one should dare cross." I spoke but when I did it came out as a deep strangled growl a voice that was not considered mine.

I was about to leap through the air and strangle them all but that would only give them what they wanted. I held my breath and reined myself in so I looked calm and deadly on the outside even though I was a panicking mess full of hatred all the ought out my body.

"Well if this is how you want to play, Let the game commence you disgusting bugs. I'm leaving for a while." I said turning on my heel.

"But do not despair-" I took the blade from my breast and through it so fast the queen of clubs had no time to react as it jabbed or skimmed her skin and came back around to me as I caught it. "I'll kill you all for this and every single person involved starting with the contractor and that's a promise: and I never forget a promise." The wind around us had a sadistic laughing tune to it. I started walking back not giving them another look when I walked towards my throne with the box in my hands.

"Ooooo.... How scary I'm going to piss my self.!! Let's just get This one thing straight this whole Arena that you see before you has been hired to kill you. And you know what that means.. Your not going any where. I mean come to think of it the only one who could have saved you was X... Who is dead. he could have declined the job but he sadly wasn't around for the past couple of weeks" I kept walking even for me this was to much of a challenge and a really stupid idea to take every one on. Right now I had to leave especially because I couldn't think straight. I turned my head to Elliot who was backing up slowly snarling.

"But don't get me wrong only those who wish to kill you took the job and because we are already kinda kings and queens this would just be plain bothersome so were not going to kill you at least not yet."

I stopped and turned the air begining to quiver " you know what Michael you really suck at talking don't you?"
I looked back down ignoring his protests of outrage at my insult for I could see all the assassins who wanted a go at me Start to rise from their seats. The Kings an queens smiled

"It seems you already know what I'm going to do or at least you think it." I let out a screeching whistle through the air . Every one of my members that had sworn allegance to me rose and bowed.

"Just let them know that who ever comes will be killed without a second thought for I never forget a promise and that goes towards you guys as well. I must say though I'll miss you sick bastards and your scabbiling its like one big abusive family." I said anger laced perfectly in my voice.

Turning I ran to my plate form and with every one silently following behind me we ran. And to my disappointment so did Mikayla, Elliott and grey.

They want me dead. Fine. But their gonna have to kill me before I kill them.

I looked back seeing all the people who followed there was 9 of us. The completely rouge pack the 9sinners pack run by the ruthless queen of assassins Jessica heartwel.

That's right bitches and bastards come get me because what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and I'm stronger than anything you've ever seen....

And the first on my kill list is the contractor.

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