Chapter 8 : The list

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A/n I'm not going to base the story after the stick of truth anymore since I really don't have anymore ideas lmao, I'm just going to base them after some episodes of southpark and tweak with it a little bit, idc if it's not in order. If you want to complain about that the kids of southpark have experienced having like 3+ presidents in two years in their timeline. Idk it's a stupid excuse. This thing is going to last three chapters btw, This is my longest a/n lol. Ok bye


Three days later

(y/n) pov

Ever since the elves saved me from the wizard king Eric Cartman I've quit playing and started to play with the girls more from time to time, we all became really great friends, yesterday we made a list ranking out all of the boys from cutest to ugliest and ever since the boys found out about it they're now trying to take it from us.

"Hey (y/n), so I've heard about this list thing about the cutest boy ranks. Can I at least ask what place I've landed on?" Kyle asked making me feel a bit of guilt since he actually got last place in the list

"I'm sorry Kyle, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone, it's a girl thing."

"Well can you at least tell me that Eric Cartman was late on the list?" Kyle asked once more

"I'm afraid not, and that's all I can say for now--" I replied but got cut off by the school bell ringing

"Well, that's our queue to go back to classes, wanna come with me?" I asked again

"Sure (y/n)." He agreed walking with me until I ran into Nelly.

"Oh, hey Nelly." I greeted her

"Hey (y/n)! I'm sorry but can you take the lists with you for now? The boys are trying to take it from me, and I need you to have it for now before I put it away for good." Nelly requested

"Well, sure! I'd be happy to." I smiled as I took the folder and put it in my bag

"And never, EVER show it to anyone. Especially the boys. Okay bye!" Nelly stated as she ran back to her classroom.

Time skip to recess

"Oh, looks like all the swings are taken, time to lurk in the shadows like a freak" I thought to myself as I sat on the fence which isn't allowed but I didn't care and saw Nelly at the corner of my eye being interrogated by the boys

"Poor Nelly..." I mumbled as I hugged my backpack close to my chest, I bought the bag with me since it's too Dangerous to leave it in the classroom.

"For the last time Nelly! Give us the fucking foldah!" Eric exclaimed from afar

"No! Fuck you guys! Besides, I don't even have the folder!" Nelly exclaimed

"God damn it, Bebe was fucking with us..." Cartman mumbled

"Tell us the fucking truth!" Cartman yelled again

"I said I don't fucking have it you assholes!" Nelly exclaimed as she kicked Cartman's nuts and stomped away

"AUGHAGH---" Cartman grunted in pain as he fell to the floor holding his damaged "jewels"

"Pffft pfft" I snickered lightly as I watched Cartman get beaten up by a girl

"The fuck you laughing about you fucking Twinkie?!" Cartman yelled still lying on the floor holding his nuts in pain as he glared daggers at me

"Pffft--- nothing--" I snickered some more until.....


"Ah crap." I thought to myself as the folder fell out of my bag since it was being held upside down and the zipper was open. God fucking damn it. And the fact that the folder had a huge label on it saying "CONFIRMED LISTS" didn't help

I hurriedly jumped off the short brick wall and grabbed the folder and stuffed it in my bag and ran away.

"She has the list!! Guys! Lets get her!" Clyde exclaimed as all of the boys ran off  chasing me leaving Cartman on the ground by himself.

A/n Annnd I'm too lazy to finish. This episode thingy is going to last for three chapters so just stay tuned

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