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beverly skipped to the front door after hearing an all too familiar rhythmic knock.
when she opened it,
beaming with smiles to see her girlfriend,
she instead with met with a bleeding y/n.
"hi, my love,"
y/n greeted,
blood staining her teeth when she smiled.
beverly pulled the girl inside and brought her into the bathroom,
forcing her to sit on the toilet lid.
"what happened?"
"it's good to see you, too."
"y/n, i'm serious."
y/n groaned and felt the cold press of a rag to her nose,
and beverly's soft fingers lift her chin up to prevent further bleeding.
"just a small fight. nothing serious."
"doesn't look like nothing."
"it was just bowers. nothing different."
beverly kneeled beside y/n and threaded their fingers together.
"did he say something about me again?"
y/n didn't reply,
which was answer enough for beverly.
"i love you, you know? i find it very sweet that you're willing to fight bowers to protect my name."
y/n locked eyes with beverly and wondered how it was that she could practically read her thoughts.
"he'll learn one day,"
y/n said with conviction.
"i think you're just giving him more incentive. bowers is a bully, my love. he's going to say what he wishes."
"and i'm going to respond with my fists. your point?"
beverly let out a laugh then kissed y/n's bruised knuckles carefully.
"if i can't stop you, the least i can do is stitch you up."
beverly peeled the rag from y/n's nose and began cleaning up the bloody mess,
applying ointment to the cuts all throughout her body,
and laying butterfly stitches to the gash across her eye.
"how do i look?"
y/n asked jokingly.
though beverly had to admit,
she looked wildly intimidating and make beverly blush.
"you look alright."
y/n asked teasingly.
"i think i look pretty bad ass."
"that's one way of putting it."
beverly led y/n to the sanctuary that was her room,
and piled into bed together.
beverly laid with her head to y/n's chest,
finding comfort in the beating of her heart.
she realized that there were no limitations when it came to y/n and their love.
she would do anything to protect beverly,
whether that be her physical being or the reputation of her name.
it made beverly warm inside to know this.
cause she, too, would go through anything to keep
y/n safe.
her mind was soon becoming filled with worries that one day,
she would fail to keep y/n safe.
but when y/n laid a kiss to the top of beverly's head,
as though she sensed her tenseness,
beverly mollified into her.
there was no need to worry,
they had each other with no plans of it ever being any different.
so long as y/n had beverly to stitch her up,
and beverly had y/n to be stitched up,
they were whole.

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