Chapter 15 "Responsibility"

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Sophie's POV

"Okay...what is it?"

"Please sit down and then we'll discuss"

I quickly made my way toward his desk and sat in the chair in front of it.
After i was seated he started speaking,

"Okay, first of all, Have you ever heard of The Brown. Corp.? "

I've heard about it. Its the second most powerful company corporate, after The River Corp. Of course. I've heard a lot about their Oil factories and they are a pretty big name in the business world. It's a really successful company and a major competition in its field.

I nodded my head in yes.

"They are a huge company as you know. They have really long chains of oil companies and are quite popular in the US."

He looks so passionate while talking about work. Everyone is right, he is serious about his company. Very serious.

I can't help but notice his attractive  face. His eyes were a deep brown which reminded me of melting chocolate. His lips were the perfect size and shape and looked really soft. His hair was messy and looked he ran his hand through them a couple of times. It actually suited him very well. He had light stubble which made him look very strong and rough ...and just very manly. Everything about him was just so alluring.

I nodded again to let him know that I'm listening. When actually all i wanted was to sit and stare at his pleasing features like a psychotic stalker.

I know, i know I should be focusing on my job and not thinking about my boss but I really can't seem to function properly when he's around.

I have to stop! He's my BOSS!

And he's Mr. Hotness.

That little annoying voice inside my head decided that it's the perfect time to remind how Hawwwt my boss is.

But isn't right.

I decided to stop my imagination to go any further and tried to pay more attention towards what he was saying.

"So, they are coming here in two days, the chairman specifically and if we get this deal it will give us a huge profit. It's really important our company and also it's your first projecy and its big."

My ears peaked up and my eyes widened at the mention of my first project.

I have been working here for week now but i haven't  got the chance to make a deal or presentation till now. And here's my first project and it means a lot for the company and for Alexander too. I can clearly see it in his eyes that he wants this deal very badly.

"I want you to make the presentation and all the things needed. And I want it by tomorrow evening so I can go through them before the meeting and see if I want any changes. Okay?"  He continued .

"Yes, sir."

I already know that It's going to take a lot of time and work. I have to make a lot of researches and collect data and many things but that's not what I'm worried about. Not at all.

I'm worried about the responsibility that my boss is giving me. It's a huge deal and he's trusting me with this.

I don't want to mess this up.

"You can do this. I know you can."he said suddenly breaking me out of my thoughts.

His words actually helped me to calm my nerves a little bit. But I was still a bit nervous.

"I think I should get to work. We don't have much time." I said.


I quickly got up and turned around, walking towards the door to leave.

After leaving his office, I quickly went towards my office and entered. I started to think of all the things that needed to be done for the presentation.

Let's get to work...

I opened my laptop which was on the desk and started gathering informations and other data and figure.

It was very late at night and I was still working...


Oooh...what do you think happened?

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