Didn't expect that did ya?

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I'm dead😭💀

Now lets continue with the story

"Do your worst" I said to him, my bangs slightly occupying the upper part of my eyes, the smirk on my face was evident. I was aching to fight this guy, he used that word too much, and I knew I wasn't the only one he used it on. Just imagine all the homosexual people he used that word on, abusing them. Just the thought of that made my blood boil. But as a boxer, I can't use my techniques without him initiating the fight. I know, it's kinda stupid. But I swore, no, Melissa and I swore to our coach, and to ourselves that we won't fight people or a person without a good reason and without they hitting us first. It may be stupid, but that's a rule I will always abide too, no matter what.

"Or are you just all talk and no bite," I said to him. His face was showing fury, and his eyes anger. He came towards me slowly, Adrien, on the other hand, was frozen from shock; it took the guy to pass him to let him understand the situation.

"No!" He yelled and was about to grab the guy's shirt if it wasn't from the guy's lackeys that held him in place.

"You have quite the mouth faggot," he said to me. He was already a few inches in front of me. I glared at him, he flinched a little, but then regain his composure. 'Ha, didn't think I couldn't glare like that did ya?'

"Well you know, people like me need our mouths for a lot of reasons," I said to him following a smirk. He just looked back at me, straight in the eyes, his eyes full of hatred and disgust towards me. This only made me smirk in triumph.

"Your kind disgusts me," he spat with venom.

"Really now? I never knew being gay was a species. This just shows how fabulous we are to have been granted a category," I said flipping my hair.

He just scoffed at me. And I only smirked. 'If this guy thinks I'm scared of him, he better think twice.'

"You will beg for me to kill you once I'm done with you." He said crouching making him and me on eye level. His eyes were surrounded by disgust and hatred, I never understood what was the concept of other people hating others because of their gender preference. You shouldn't hate nor judge someone because of their preference, they are just being themselves, and for that nobody should be afraid because of it. Just, embrace it.

"Really now?" I said in a sarcastic tone. A.K. A, my language.

"Yes, you will," he said looking at me. He then turned his head to look at Adrien. He had a face filled with horror, it was nice thinking that he was afraid for me to get hurt. It makes me feel a lot better. The guy then looked at me and lifted his hands and pointed towards Adrien. "And he will have to witness it," he said.

The guys holding me laughed softly, but it wasn't like a normal laugh. No, this laugh was filled with pure evil. This is not the first time these guys jump a poor defenseless person, but it sure as hell will be there last once I'm done with them.

The guy holding my left shoulder released me, and the guy holding the right secured me tightly. Both my arms secured tightly behind my back, his grip was pretty tight; this making my crouched position uncomfortable. The leader stood up, and so did the guy behind me, making me stand up as well. I glared at the tall figure of the leader, and he glared back at me, showing full-on hatred.

"I will teach you how to look to your superiors, you disgusting little piece of shit," he said. And like that he landed a hard punch on my left cheek. I clenched my teeth to at least lessen the damage made to my jaw. "And how to control your mouth," he said. As he landed another hard punch to my right jaw. I tried moving from the guys behind me grip, but he had a tight hold of me.

Savage little nerd [(BoyxBoy)]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora