Chapter 13: A Hidden Secret

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The anger, the frustration that came over me earlier in the forest comes back again. I look at him with the silver disks in my eyes with anger plastered on my face. He smirks and steps back as anger falls over me and i scream in his face and growl. "!" I yell at him clenching my fists. He stands back and watches with a devilish grin on his face. "Let it out mavis. Let the dark side of you take control. I wanna see what you're made of." He says smirking over at me with his arms crossed. I feel my blood boil under my skin, my body and soul begging me for it to release it. Then a spark from inside me, like a match being lit, a fume expanding, a fire raging to life. I look at him and snarl as the chair cracks from beneath me, a strength from within me emerges and i break the shackles holding me down and i burst from the chair and a pain strikes my back as i turn my head and lumps form from my shoulder blades as my shirt gets tighter and tighter every second. Then dark grey angelic wings sprout in my back and i fall to my knees bending forward to the ground as the pain shoots through my whole body starting from my back. He stands uncrosses his arms in amazement walking over to me grabbing one of my wings extending it then inspecting it. Tiny droplets of blood cover them from coming out of my back breaking the skin. "Marvelous...absolutely stunning." He says observing every detail. I heave bent over facing the ground as the pain slowly dwindles to a annoying sting in my back. "Move them." He demands and i move my shoulder blades trying to make them move. The wings move ever so slightly, extending outwards. He grins and walks to stand in front of me and squats down to my level and picks up my chin. "Now that's one hell of a secret power." He says letting go of my chin and stands back up again. "That's enough for one day, guards!" He calls out and two guards come into the room and pick me up under my arms and carry me back to my cell chaining me back up on the wall like a wounded bird. 

I look up at my wings as they droop at my sides and wince as their pressed up against the wall with my weight. I look out to the hallway as two guards stand watch. " two. Can I at least be shackled to the floor and not the wall?" I ask with my voice hoarse. They look at me and sigh opening the cell door bringing me down from the wall and lock me to the cell wall. " There happy now? " One of them says as they walk out locking it again. I sigh in relief to be off the wall and fold my wings around me to keep me warm from the brisk air of the dungeon. 'Oh how did i end up in this mess? " I think to myself and lay on the ground and soon fall asleep.

I soon wake with the door of the cell opening loudly and a jingle of keys. "Get up missy time for you to get moving." The guard says pulling me up and drags me out of the cell and down the usual route with my wings dragging behind me. They shove me into the traditional room and lock me to the chair with my wings extended and fastened to a platform behind me. I groan and look up to see him staring at me and shoot him a glare. "Well that isn't a pleasant look now is it?" He says and walks toward me grabbing my chin and holds it firmly. " I have something new today. You're heading back to deaths today. And i'm taking something before you leave. " He says with a wide grin and i look at him concerned and worried. He pulls out a chain and walks behind me, pushes the chair forward so i face the floor and feel the chain burn at my joints where my wings connect to my shoulder blades. I squirm and whine in pain as he saws them off me and they fall to the ground beside me and i cry in agony from the pain. He scoops them up and washes them from the blood and props them up against the wall and pulls the chair back and i look at him wth tears streaming down my face. "Y-you monster!" I shout at him and he smirks. " Thanks darling for the masterpiece. Take care now." He says and the guards come in releasing me from the constraints and drag me down a new hallway that i haven't seen before. As usual it takes us forever to get where were going as i'm being dragged along the floor by the idiots. They stop in front of a van and i use my strength to stop them from shoving me into it and they cover my mouth with a cloth and instantly knock me out throwing me into the van and the driver takes off.

I wake up with a major headache and look around and i'm still in the van. I look out to the driver but its just like an escort van so i can't reach him. The windows are tinted and i can't see through them. "Hey! Where are we going?!" I shout out at him. He turns to look at me and its the same guy from before with the white armor that saved me but in pitch black and all he does is smirk and look back to the road. 'Why do i have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't gonna end well.' I think to myself and sit back in the van worried as we get closer to our destination.

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