Lust and hatred

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After carefully monitoring Misa and Light for 2 or 3 weeks, L is still not convinced they're both innocent and decides he needs to take extreme measurements if he is to push this case any futher. 

{L's point of view }

I can predict exactly how everybody in the task force will react when I inform them of my plan... but I just can't take any chances when it comes to catching Kira. First off I must tell Light to invite Misa to stay at headquarters; she'll have her own floor and Matsuda will take care of her every need... I doubt that will be too difficult to arrange... but once she's settled I'll have to take the next step...

my phone rang, interrupting my trail of thought.  I picked it up from the corner and held it loosely to my ear.

"Ah Light,  yes...  I'd love to... okay but I have a favour to ask of you too... 2pm?..sure. see you there... bye"

I hung up. Light wants to meet me at our regular coffee shop and he has a favour to ask... I wonder what that could be... I reached forward and take a pokey from the box,  sweets always helped me to think. I check the time,  I still have 35 minutes before I'm expected to meet Light.  That should be more than enough time to prepare for my plan.

~2 O'clock at the coffee shop~

I arrive just in time as I watched Light walk in only 15 seconds before my own arrival.  As I walk through the door,  I smile kindly at the familiar face a stroll over to the lady behind the counter.  I ordered 2 coffees and a chocolate gateaux,  mmm sugar. I waited patiently for my order to be served before carrying the items over to where Light was sitting. Our conversation began as normal with Light mocking my addiction to everything sweet and me replying that it's essential for me to solve my cases.  However it didn't take long for the favours to make an appearance. we'd both been discussing the latest developments in the Kira case, 13 confirmed murders by heart attack. 

Light took my hands in one of his and my jaw in the other. 

"Ryuzaki, I told you I had a favour to ask... what will it take for me to prove to you that I'm not Kira?!"

"It's funny you should ask that... I came to ask you to participate in a prove both yours and Misa's innocence. I really like you, Light, I don't want you to be Kira..."

I saw his eyes light up at the thought he may finally be able to clear his name.

"uh, okay. what do I have to do?"

I explain to him that I planned to have Misa under 24 hour surveillance from the hidden cameras at headquarters.  Light agreed this would be an easy task and phoned Misa right away to confirm it.

"Oh Light! you want me living near you so you can see me all the time?! WOW you're so romantic! and you really do care about me! I love you Light-kuns!"

Misa had no objections at all, now for the most tricky part of my plan... This was the most difficult to explain especially as it involved such intimacy. I decided there was no point in wrapping it up in Cotton candy (ooo cotton candy-yum-I must get some when I return to headquarters).

"Light you and I are to be chained together so that I am with you all day, everyday, and am able to keep a close eye on you at all times..."

I had been staring at my coffee mug,  adding a total of 8 sugar cubes while explaining this to Light. I glanced up the catch a glimpse of complete hatred in the young boy's eyes.  He was determined to do whatever it took, but this was a total invasion of his privacy.

"I'm sorry Light,  but it has to be done"

He remained silent for the rest of our meeting as well as the journey home-though became full of questions once we'd returned and he'd seen that I'd already prepared a set of handcuffs with a 5ft chain. 

"Fine" he uttered as I gestured them towards him. 

"What if I need the toilet?' My apologetic gaze gave him his answer.

"and I assume we'll be sleeping together?!" I nodded,  but kept my head lowered as the thought of sleeping with my best friend excited me a little. I'd never had a sleep over before. 

"you know Misa won't be happy,  Ryuzaki. " I stared back at him guiltily once more.

"I'm sorry,  it has to be done" I murmured.

Now that we are chained together we can become even closer friends,  but most importantly I'll be able to keep him watched at all times. Soon after I'd chained myself to Light,  the rest of the team arrived at headquarters and looked at the two of us as if we were insane. 

"Ryuzaki, is this really necessary?! I thought you had cleared my son of all suspicion!"

"Yes it is...Please,  if it helps... think of it this way, Mr.Yagami, if Light dies:so do I... As for my suspicion I still suspect there to be a 3% chance that your son... is Kira..."

Soichiro stared at we bewildered,  he'll never understand why I have to carry out stunts like this because he lets his emotions get in the way of seeing truth. Perhaps if he stayed emotionally unattached his deductive skills would almost be as good as mine or Light's.  It was as I was appreciating Light's intelligence that Misa Amane strutted through the front doors of headquarters, carrying 7 bags of belongs. 

"Liiiiiiggghhhttt-kuuuunn! I'm here!" She sang out.

"Oh my God; it's Misa Misa!"

"Yes Matsuda, Misa will be staying with us for a while on the 5th floor.  You will be her acting manager and will attend to her every need" I explained.  Matsuda was perfect for this. He made his admiration for Misa quite explicit so he should take on the role perfectly,  without complication.

"Uhhhm, Light?  Why are you chained to Ryuzaki?" oh good we're getting this out of the way now. I shot a look at Light and I could see him thinking about how to tell her we were being chained for the good of the Kira case...a good friend would help him out of this awkwar situation... I'll explain everything to Misa instead. It didn't take me long to explain it to her and she imediately glared at me with her mouth wide up. I couldn't even begin to imagine how mad she'd be if I told her she was under surveillance. 

"Hey! so how are me and Light gonna have dates huh?! I bet you're just going to sit back and watch us aren't you, you pervert!"

I do wish she'd stop calling me a pervert.  I look over to Light again, I keep doing that recently... I guess my friendship with Light is simply growing stronger with every day we spend together.  I'm glad he hasn't noticed me staring yet, that would be kind of... embarrassing...

{Light's point of view }

It's obvious that it'll take more than friendship to earn Ryuzaki's real name... and with these chains, Ryuzaki's made it too easy for me. My guess is the he is already unknowingly falling into my trap,  he hasn't taken his eyes off me since we've been handcuffed together.  Oh Ryuzaki,  you think you're so smart but you won't see this coming. 

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