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^^^^ Nurse Jessica Leigh

When Hunter walked back into the room, Isabella was waiting with an expecting look on her face, she wanted to know what was going on but Hunter knew that he didn't want to tell her.

"What's happened?" Isabella asked raising her eyebrows

Isabella knew Hunter better than most people so even the smallest change in his body language she was able to pick up on and there was plenty of changes, the most noticeable was the crooked, nervous smile on his face as he tried (and failed) to convince Isabella that nothing was wrong. Hunter was also stood rigid, the way he did when he was dealing with pack business or something was wrong, Isabella also noticed him fidgeting with everything around them to avoid making eye contact with her.

"Nothing, everything is fine" Hunter lied while Isabella narrowed her eyes at him, she patted the space on the side of the bed next to her telling him to come which he did, he instantly lay down with his head in her lap, he was pressing ever so gently against her, completely afraid that he was going to break her small, fragile bones - more so than ever before.

Hunter looked up at Isabella's face and knew she wasn't going to give up, the raised eyebrows and pursed lips told him this as he hid his face in her legs with a groan. Hunter knew that Isabella would get so excited at the news because she had wanted to be able to make sure Leila was safe for so long that the thought of finding her would raise her spirits, the problem was, it was only a tip off so it might not be true and there was no guarantee that Leila would be found alive - Hunter didn't know how he would break it to Isabella that Leila was dead while dealing with his own anger and grief.

The chances are Isabella would go backwards in her recovery not forwards as Hunter knew Isabella just as well as she knew him and he knew that if she found out that Leila had been killed by Finn then she would blame herself for not helping Leila earlier.

"We have had a tip off... we might and remember - we MIGHT have found Finn and Leila" Hunter explains unable to even look up at Isabella again, he couldn't face the excitement that he knew would not be in her eyes

"Oh... what are you doing here then? You should be getting ready to leave to go find them" Isabella said, Hunter might not have been able to see the excitement in Isabella's eyes but he could hear it in her voice

"Jackson is leading the mission, I'm staying here" Hunter explains preparing for the explosion that is his mate

"WHAT?!" Isabella yells sitting up quickly before having to lean against Hunter feeling extremely dizzy

"Calm down, it's not good for you or the baby" Hunter explains planting a small kiss against Isabella's stomach

"You are the Alpha King, you need to lead by example" Isabella says weakly laying back down "Not only that, but she is your sister"

"Don't you think I know that? I need to be here with you" Hunter explains

"Where am I going to go? I am stuck here, I will still be stuck here while you're gone and I will still be stuck here when you're back" Isabella explains with resentment in her voice.

"I just want you to get better" Hunter says swallowing the lump in his throat

"I know you are, I just want you to do what it right by the pack which is going to run the missions that are this important" Isabella says her voice softening.

The door to Isabella's hospital room opens and a Nurse walks in, she looks Isabella up and down with a smile, this Nurse had been with Isabella every step of the way and they had created a bond between the two of them, this Nurse was the closest thing Isabella had to a friend in the hospital ward. At first, Isabella resented Nurse Jessica, she represented the hospital that Isabella was forced to stay in to she would be moody and snapped a lot as Jessica always seemed to be working - she didn't even seem like she ever rested. Eventually, Isabella grew to like Jessica and let her in more and more.

"Hey Isabella, everything okay" Nurse Leigh asks, she always seemed jumpy around Hunter and Isabella had no idea why but she ignored the fidgeting that she could see

"Yeah, just trying to convince this one to go on a special mission" Isabella shrugs, she trusted Jessica enough to tell her what the mission was but she knew Hunter wouldn't want her to say

"Oh okay..." Jessica looked like she wanted to say something to Hunter but she looked at the floor and moved further into the room, avoiding all eye contact with Hunter - who seemed oblivious to it

"Please Hunter, I want you to be the one to find Leila and Finn" Isabella whispered even though it was pointless, with werewolf hearing everyone (Including Jessica) in the room heard what she had said

"I don't know.." Hunter says with scepticism lacing his voice

"For me - go and get Finn... make him pay" Isabella croaked

Hunter's head shot up as he looked into Isabella's eyes, she had been the only person in this whole situation that had always tried to protect Finn and his brothers despite what they had done to her and now she had done a complete 180, she now wanted Hunter to punish them. Hunter searched his mates eyes to see if she was telling the truth, he didn't want to do this mission, find Finn, kill him then Isabella blame herself that he was dead because she had told Hunter do it - he needed to know that this was really what she wanted.

"Yes" Isabella said confirming that it was what she wanted, Hunter hadn't said anything but the shock on his face must've said it all.

"Okay, I'll do it for you" Hunter said with a shaky breath, he looked up at Nurse Jessica "You are now personally accountable for the Luna and our baby"

"Yes Alpha" Jessica said still avoiding his eyes with a nervous look on his face

"Ignore him Jessica - you, Mr Alpha go and get ready" Isabella grinned placing a kiss on Hunter's face - inside she felt worried about sending Hunter on this mission but he was the strongest man in the world, no match for Finn so she had no doubt that he would be okay, especially with Jackson by his side.

"I just need to call...um" Jessica looked like she had to think about what to say next and Isabella couldn't decide whether she was just nervous or something was going on ".. I have to call home - I won't be a minute"

With that Jessica, bolted out the door, once again, Hunter looked completely oblivious but Isabella had noticed - since being stuck in the hospital she had started to notice a lot more about body language, she didn't have much to do there so she resorted to people watching - something was going on with Jessica but Isabella had no idea what.

"Not long now Bella and all this will be over" Hunter said placing one hand on his stomach and one hand at the side of her face, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear he pressed a kiss to his forehead, the tip of her nose then finally her lips

"I love you" Isabella breathes as Hunter presses his forehead to Isabella's

"I love you too my Bella, wait for me" Hunter whispers kissing her again before completely pulling away, Isabella instantly misses him but knows she can't tell him that or he would never leave

"I'll always wait for you Hunter" Isabella smiles swallowing the lump in her throat - she wasn't sure what she had done to deserve a man like Hunter but she knew she would give up her own life just to save his...

Little did she know she might have to make this choice very soon


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