Pure Muscle Baby

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Hey guys! So after I wrote this chapter, I posted it without knowing that it wasn't actually showing up.

So I kept trying to publish and unpublish this chapter but it still wouldn't work.

I know it was showing up for some people but others it just didn't.

So sorry for the whole.. uh.. mess.

Julie's pov:

After the whole incident, the day just kept on getting worse and worse.

Even before lunch had the chance to end, pretty much the whole school knew what happened and were talking about it.

Wait scratch that, I think the whole district knows by now.

There are probably first graders talking about it as we speak.

I have passed Zander in the hallway and he looked so angry. If I didn't know him, then I would have probably been afraid.

I wanted to at least say something, but I was dumbstruck.

They call me their friend, but it's not like I've known them that long.

They've been friends for years, what could I possibly say or do to bring them back together.

Plus after what Samantha said, rumors started spreading that he tried to get into Samantha's pants.

But he didn't look like he was bothered by that rumor. I mean, being at the top of the food chain means you are rumored a lot so he must be used to it.

But every time someone even mentioned Luke's name in the hallway, his glare would harden.

And poor Jake and Damien also, they weren't even there, but apparently Luke won't even speak or look in their direction anymore.

Before the lunch bell ended, me and Ashton decided to head back to the cafeteria after the whole incident.
But when we came back, we walked straight into another fight between Luke and Jake.

And it was horrible.

Flashback to earlier that day:

I was becoming worried because after our hug, I asked him if he wanted to walk back to the cafeteria and all he did was nod his head.

He didn't talk, or show any sort of emotion and I was getting scared.

Usually I could tell what someone is thinking from their facial expression, but his was just so neutral that it was almost petrifying.

When we walked in through the doors, we instantly saw a huge circle of students being formed at the center of the cafeteria.

Where in the world was the lunch staff?? I can't find a single one of them.

Sadly, I couldn't see what was going on, but I know from experience that this only happens when there is a fight.

"Great." Ashton mumbles out looking ahead at the circle. He shoves his hands in his pockets and was about to walk back into the hallway when we both froze from a voice speak out from inside the mess of students.

"Dude what the hell is up with you?!! You're acting like a total bitch right now." It was Jake.

Me and Ashton both make quick eye contact and next thing I know he was quickly making his way into the center of the circle.

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