Unwanted Job

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Getting there was fun. I knew that old woman was fussing about us to her in the back. She was probably telling her it was my fault that she was hurt. But then again she would be right. We stayed near the corner of the room away from customers the best we could.

"So is this really what you are going to do to fix this?" Clutch asked. I glared at him.

"You have a better plan?"

"Leave her alone.,," He stated like it was obvious.

"They did this and I haven't even seen her since I got my wallet back. I don't think that would work."

"Why do you care anyway? Maybe if they toss her around a little they will see you don't care and..." My hand slammed down on the table.

"And what hope they don't rape her, kill her."

"I just don't get it I thought you didn't know her. I mean why did she have your wallet that night anyways?"

"It's none of your fucking business." He sighed leaning back in his seat. But stayed quiet for a bit. I took an irritated breath and looked over at her. She wasn't behind the counter now she was kneeled down in front of it hugging a little kid. "She was different." I started not sure where I was going with this. "I never meant to get her caught in all this. It was just... that night we came here; I came the next day. I don't know why but I sat outside I didn't think she would come out to talk to me. I thought she would hide like the rest, that it would prove she was just like everyone else. I wanted to scare her off."

"Do you like her?"He asked sounding confused.

"No" I answered fast. "She just...she's..."

"You know it wouldn't really be a bad thing for you to meet someone you..."

"I said I don't, okay?" I snapped. He shut up.


"Look I forgot I had some work to do today can you stay while I run to grab my computer?"

"Yeah man."

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