thirty-two ✿

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   the school bell rings, indicating another period has been done. jimin was too focused on his work so he was startled to hear the bell. 

he immediately put his pen down and started to fix his bag as the teacher greets them goodbye. he felt a notification from his phone and proceeded to look at it first.

minyoongs is typing...

minyoongs sent you a chat!


im sneaking now i'll tell you when i arrive 
you tell me too ok?



i'm just fixing my bag


im here!!


alright wait for me
oof im here!!


ok i see you



jimin looked around out the gate, slightly out of breath because he practically ran all the way outside. he couldn't see a trace of the other and he looked dumb, looking around for the voice.

"hyung, i know you can see me." jimin rolled his eyes, looking like he's talking to himself when someone from behind the wall shows themself like a magician.

"what's up, jim?" the older smirks, going towards the younger. jimin completely forgot how he felt with the boy. this was actually the first time they were alone together and jimin felt like it was like before when he used to have a slight crush on him.

jimin's heart was suddenly racing, seeing yoongi like that. yoongi's outfit didn't help of course. he was wearing a black hoodie paired with some ripped blue jeans yet, he still looked magnificent.

"so, what do you want to do?" yoongi took jimin out of his daydream. jimin shrugs in response because after all, he'd do anything with him. malling, ice skating, skinny dipping, you name it.

the two ended up at yoongi's apartment. the older has been living alone despite being too young. jimin discovered yoongi came from a pretty wealthy family. yoongi wanted to live alone because his parents rarely even come home. jimin wondered why he could've just stayed at his big home.

a big studio was revealed inside his home. revealing yoongi was trying to make music, jimin thought of how cool it was.

"whoah, you have a big apartment." jimin was still looking around, appreciating every decor that the spartment had.

"my parents got me this."yoongi smiles, sitting down on the couch. jimin was still standing when yoongi unexpectedly grabbed his arm, making his sit beside him.

jimin's eyes widened slightly at the feeling that his crush just did that. his cheeks turned into a warm red color but tried to hide it by covering his cheeks with his sweater paws. 

yoongi laughs, getting a remote and proceeding to turn on the television.

"what do you do on your spare time?" jimin asked the other after recovering from his blushing mess. 

yoongi slightly pouted, trying to think of an answer. jimin thought of how incredibly cute it was. 

"make music, i guess."

"wow, you really have a passion in producing." jimin looked over to the producing corner. many speakers and knobs where there and jimin didn't know a single thing of what it does.

"i do. i'd like to have my job as that but my parents are forcing me to be a businessman like my dad." yoongi had a hint of disgust while speaking.

jimin nods, feeling sympathy for the other.

"it must really suck being forced to something then."

"it really is."

yoongi's eyes suddenly turned into sadness and jimin noticed, making him feel bad about asking. he must've had a hard time, jimin thought.

"well, what's your passion?" the older suddenly asks, cutting the sad but awkward atmosphere that was going around them.

jimin knew exactly what to answer, as if it was that one question you'd revise before a test. 

"dancing." a smile crept onto jimin's lips as the older smiled back. it was too obvious for the answer, considering jimin was part of the dance team and is working hard for them.

yoongi has seen jimin perform. from any genre, he had to admit the boy really did have talent and he admired jimin for that.

jimin hugely admired yoongi too but he knew he couldn't express them just yet. when you got a fake boyfriend, how could you just hit on someone else?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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