Songs and Sleep Overs

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A/N: y'all I'm feeling motivated to write. I've been doing good in school actually doing my work and turning it in. Anyways here's chapter 3.

"Hyung can I stay at your place today? I don't want to be alone tonight." Taehyung voiced out as they turned the corner that led to their respective homes.

"Of course Taehyung, I was going to ask you to stay over anyways; I don't want to be alone either." Yoongi muttered in response.

"Aish, hyung it's so hot today" Taehyung whined as he took off his hoodie only to reveal his long sleeve shirt he had under.

"No wonder you feel so hot you have a long sleeve with a hoodie on top" Yoongi snickered.

The wind around them picked up and swept passed them, tousling their hair, and ruffling their clothes around.

Yoongi felt his wolf howl in delight as he got a whiff of Taehyung's scent that the wind swirled around them.

Honey mixed with sunflowers.

Yoongi was engulfed in this mind boggling scent, he felt his wolf instincts wanting to kick in. He knew if he let them he would lose control and do something he would regret and never take back.

He took deep breath and calmed his beating heart. "Taehyung can you please put your hoodie back on" he spoke through gritted teeth.

"Why hyung?" Taehyung asked, he tilted his head to get a look at Yoongi. Once he saw the glowing alpha eyes he knew why. Without a moment of hesitation he put his hoodie back on and his hood on to cover more of his scent.

Yoongi cleared his throat as the luscious smell diminished. "Thanks" he muttered out.

They finally had made it to Yoongi's apartment, he lived by himself. Even though he had no one to share the apartment with he had a huge apartment with a built in studio to produce music.

His equipment and the small piano he had were his most prized possessions.

He unlocked the door and opened it wide. He stepped in, took off his shoes, and threw his backpack on the floor.

Taehyung followed doing the same. As he then proceeded to sit on the couch while Yoongi walked into the kitchen to get some food for the both of them.

"Yoongi hyung I missed your place, it's so lonely in my apartment. Also it's small unlike your palace like one." Taehyung said as he dramatically laid down on the couch.

"Its lonely here without you too, why don't you move in?" Yoongi commented as he made his way to the couch with a bowl in one hand and a tub if ice cream in the other.

"I asked the elders the other day when they went to check up on me, but they said no; that's it's dangerous living with an alpha like you."

Yoongi sighed as he took a seat next to him. He wasn't like other alphas, he knew how to control his wolf around an Omega. In fact he was the one who protected him, he's the reason no other wolf dare lay a hand on Taehyung.

"That's so unfair, I wouldn't do anything to harm you" Yoongi retorted.

"I know, but to them they still see you as a threat to my well being" Taehyung said as he added air quotes to the last part.

"Let's stop talking about this. So let's eat some snacks and then we can go into the studio and work on the songs" Yoongi said as he reached for the bowl full of chips and popped some in his mouth.

Wrong Omega, Wrong Mate (TAEKOOK)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang