Chapter 67

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Serena's POV:

Lucas reminded me of Darien in some ways, but he was far more laidback and easygoing. He was quick to smile and laugh, although he had a bad habit of trying to get a rise out of Darien. He was lucky that Darien seemed to have more tolerance for him than for others.

Lucas also had no problem with me being human. "Sorry about earlier though, it kind of took me by surprise."

I nodded in acceptance of his apology, "It probably isn't something most people expect. You didn't react as badly as most do."

Darien sighed, "Let's change the topic, it annoys me."

Lucas stretched, "Sounds good to me. Where do you two plan to go next?"

Darien hesitated, but faint thudding sound and a panicked voice called from above. "Help us! He lost control and has Doctor Evans by the throat!"

I looked up to see the nurse from the second floor disappearing back inside. Darien was immediately on his feet, but glanced down at me, clearly not wanting to take me into what could become a fight. Lucas spoke, "I can watch her, no one has come into this garden for the past hour anyway."

Darien hesitated as his eyes flickered between me and his brother. I urged him, "Go, Alex will feel bad if he kills the doctor."

Darien closed his eyes for a moment before he started running towards the building. He wasn't using his full speed, but he was moving much faster than most Tarulk would have been able to.

Lucas sighed heavily, "I forgot how much drama can occur around a new soulbond. They get so touchy..." He glanced up at me, "But knowing my brother, you have probably experienced that first hand."

I slowly took a seat where Darien had previously sat, "It isn't easy on him, and I know the mate bond can really influence his actions at times."

"That is the mate bond. Although it sounds like you had your own share of fun. I am surprised that the bond hasn't settled yet, usually the aftereffects only last a couple of days at most."

I shrugged, "It may even be because I am human. I don't heal as fast as a Tarulk."

He nodded, "That could be. Too bad the waygates aren't working, I bet Darien would head back to Earth, even if some of those scientists are around."

"The waygates just started working recently."

He looked surprised, "Really? And you two are still here?"

"Darien really dislikes guns and they don't work here..." A gentle breeze caused a few flower petals to drift down from the tree above and join the numerous ones already on the ground. I watched them dance and spin in their descent while Lucas thought.

He eventually nodded slowly, "I can see that. An arrow he can possibly stop, but a bullet? Although if the Dranek keep advancing, we might all be forced to leave this planet."

He was really behind on the current news, although he had been out cold during those recent events.

"Lucas! You're awake!"

We both looked towards the source of the excited voice. A couple of men were just starting to jog over from the main road with relieved grins on their faces. Lucas swore softly, "Blast it. I will send them off and be right back."

He got to his feet as he jogged towards them, "Mark, Dustin! Boy, am I glad to see you two. Do you happen to know where my gear is? This place says that they don't have it..." He intercepted them and guided them towards the hospital while chattering away with them. The voices trailed off as they went around the back of the building and out of sight.

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