Revealing His Secrets.

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Hey guys!

Welcome back and happy almost valentines! Do you guys have plans? Or are you going to stay in bed watch romantic films with junk food?

Also add my Snapchat because you'll see a different side of me and I'm crazy on it!

Anyways... Off with the update.

|Revealing His Secrets.|


I could tell by the look on his face that he was still hurting, that time didn't heal.

"A few months before we started secondary school she died." He spoke sadly and paused as his breath hitched.

I squeezed his hand to reassure him that everything was okay.

"I had just gotten the letter that I was accepted into Cambridge Academy and we were out at a restaurant, all of us, celebrating." My heart seized out of sadness, he seemed so broken as he shared the story.

"When we left the restaurant Isabella wanted ice cream and I promised I would buy her some. There was a ice cream shop across the street and I turned around for a few seconds to pick something up and before I knew it she had crossed the road and a—the car hit her." Slowly he told me and my heart broke.

"There was no way she was going to survive and she was taken away from me within seconds, my princess was only 5. She had only been in this world for five years and I thought how was she not able to experience growing up, how did a few seconds take away a lifetime for my Bella My life then had turned around completely. Mum had an affair with someone out of the fact that dad was depressed and out of it. Once he found out he became verbally abusive not only to mum but to me. I know mum didn't mean to have the affair but she was scarred and ran to someone else for emotional support." A gasp form me tore the silence that followed after his tale.

"And you Ayla helped me. Talking to you made me happy. I fell in love with you, your kind heart, your smile and everything else but knowing that I would damage you made me like this. A bully. I wish I never hurt you, I wish I stood by you and cherished you, treated you like the queen you are." He says and a sob is released from me, tears dripped down my face.

"Ayla. I want you to know how much I love you.       I want you to know because I'm leaving London. I'm leaving." He reveals and my breathing stops, my lungs burn as I take in what he says.

He can't, he can't. How, I won't be able to— I won't be able to cope if he's not here.

I already felt empty even as he sat by my side.

"Ayla. Love me tonight, just so I can keep a memory where you loved me back."

I nodded and kissed him, he let me go and took my hands. We walked for a few seconds until we stopped at a little house. Entering we immediately start locking lips again, Removing each other clothes was easy and quick before he laid me down on the bed.

He took my hoodie off and looked at me with an emotion I could only depict as love and lust, it turned me on.

I swallowed nervously and looked up at him with a lust filled stare. He leaned down and latched his mouth onto one of my nipples causing me to cry out in pleasure.

"A-Ah! R-Ryder!" I let out a small moan and arched my back off of the bed to get closer to him.

He flicked the hardening bud with his tongue before drawing it back into his mouth. "Ohhh!" I gasped as he trailed his hand down my stomach and between my legs. He rubbed my clit gently. I spread my legs for him some while he rubbed his finger up and down my slit slowly before pushing one of his fingers into me.  

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