One Week Before Christmas

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It was only a week till school went on break, and I was terrified.

At the moment I had locked myself into a stall in the boy's bathroom. Joseph and his lackeys were located on the other side of the door, my bag in their possession. Their taunting laughs were for once scaring me shitless. I didn't have my phone, because that was in my bag, meaning I had no way of contacting anyone. I heard clattering, they were emptying my bag. I pulled my legs towards my chin, I sat on the toilet seat in fear of them grabbing my legs. They had chased me in here, grabbing my bag in an attempt to catch me. I didn't know if I was lucky or not that I got out of the bag in time. The stall didn't have walls that reached the ceiling, nor the ground, which obviously made me worried.

I heard the bathroom door opening, meaning someone went to the toilet. At first, everything became quiet, but then the door opened again. They left without saying anything to the bullies. My hands were shaking uncontrollably in front of me. It won't take long until they left, they will get bored after awhile, I tried to assure myself. It didn't work.

Someone started banging on the door. It made the whole stall shake.

"Get out of there you pussy!"

"Why such unoriginal names..." I muttered to myself. To my demise, they heard me. The banging became louder, almost making me fall of the seat as everything was shaking. For a second I became afraid that the door would break in two. It's ok, mum and dad isn't home for a couple of days. Eric might be, but maybe they will leave my face alone. I contemplated every imaginable scenario that might happen before I could go home, all of them included me getting beat up. Badly.

Suddenly everything fell silent. I heard low mumbles behind the door and felt a chill go up my spine. The stall next to me opened and I froze in fear when I realised what they were up to. I stood up, just about to slide under the stall to get to the opposite one, when Joseph landed in front of me. I let out a scream of fear and backed away.

A sinister smile spread on his face as he roughly grabbed my forearm and locked my head under his arm. He unlocked the door and kicked it open. His lackeys were all waiting outside. I felt my eyes burning, I was about to cry, but I didn't want to give them that satisfaction, so I bit my lip. Joseph pushed me forward, into the group of large, bulky sportsmen.

They pushed me around in a circle. Like a brutal pig in the middle game. Eventually I wasn't even sure what was up and down. Two hands grabbed me, hard. Well, that will bruise later. I thought unemotionally. It was the end of school day, most students and teachers would be home by now. Nobody would come to save me. No one even knew that I still remained here; in the hands of my bullies. I looked up at Joseph, my head was spinning and I felt like throwing up, but I wanted to look him in the eyes.

His eyes were burning. That was not a good sign. For some reason he seemed angrier than I'd ever seen him before. I quickly averted my eyes. I was scared shitless. For some reason my very existence seemed to annoy him, but I was usually not the reason he became this angry. The last person that upset him ended up in the hospital. I gulped, fully aware that I might too.

The first punch was aimed at my stomach, successfully making me lose my breath. Gasping, I tried to stand firm, but the punch after somehow ended up even stronger. My legs buckled under me, but the hands of the person behind me held me up. The first tears fell.

The next punch hit me in the face and as pain exploded in my face, I felt myself bite into my lip, drawing blood. He hit me again, same spot, but at least I had lost the grip on my lip. Then it was my stomach, a kick to the legs, stomach again, again, legs, face, legs, stomach. This went on until he punched me in my face for the umteenth time. I thought I heard a crunch, but I didn't feel any pain.

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