Demonstrative Determiners

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We have fancy names for this, that, these, and those in English, but they're really just a certain type of article that goes before a sentence, like a or the. In Spanish, there are more demonstrative determiners to learn, but they are not hard. Below are the masculine demonstrative determiners.

Este  means this.

Ese  means that.

Aquello also means that, but it is often used to refer to an object farther away from you. For example, Eso perro means that dog, but aquello perro is closer to that dog over there.

Estos means these.

Esos means those.

Aquellos means those, but in the context mentioned above.

To use these with a feminine noun, replace the bolded letters with an a rather than an o or an e.

In addition, if you are referring to a gender-neutral, an unknown object, or a whole sentence, the words esto and eso refer to this and that respectively. 

¡Ahora eso es un lectura buena! 

Now that is a good lesson!

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