Chapter 16: Wanted trouble

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"I don't know what you are talking about." I say, knowing what they were talking about.

"You don't? Well, I remember your boyfriend punching me in the face!" He is clearly angry, more than that. I can see a certain ego broken by what happened the last time we saw each other.

Just the memory of the sound of his body being thrown across the alley made a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile fly through my lips.

But he caught it.

"Did you just smile?" He said through grinding teeth. I was pushing his clearly unstable mood.

"Did I? I don't think so..." I can't stop myself. This guy and the two others that were present the other time on the alley were up to a fight.

A fight I was ready to give them.

"We were wronged by your boyfriend-" I tried not to shiver at the thought of Suga and me together."- and we have to get the payment in some way. Now that you are here..." One of the big, bulky guys behind him takes a dagger out, while the other tall one takes a rope from his black backpack.

They started to get closer.

"Guys, I really prefer that you solve your problems with Suga himself." I said, with my eyes closed, my body clearly relaxed, as if I weren't threatened at this moment.

"Yes, you should." I opened my eyes at the sound of Suga's voice coming from behind me. He stood behind the trees of the park and got closer to us. The three gangsters stopped in place, and a sinister smile appeared on the gangster's slim, dark face.

"This just got way better."


I know I should have done something, yet I didn't. I am so curious as to why, how, and what has Suga to do with this gangsters. I am doing my job... in some way.

The rope around my body was tight but clearly inexpert. Suga's shoulders bump with mine as the black car drives us through an unknown road.

We are blindfolded. But I can see, feel and hear everything within a 10-mile radius.

It's part of my gift, part of my curse.

"Shtt... Suga?" I whispered.


"Do you know where are we going?" I asked this because I wanted to know if this alley leads to a place he has been before.

Just to know how deep into this problem he is in, and if I can help him in some way.

In any way.

"Even if I knew... would that make this any different?" His voice is deep, cutting as sharp as a knife

"Auch." I said.

"Hey! Don't talk."

The ride was silent. The main gangster driving, the tall slim one of the passenger's side, and the bulky, big one on my left, and Suga on my right.

"Get them out." Without taking the blindfold off, I could sense that we were in a type of storage building. Abandoned, with not really anyone around.

They moved us in, and the smell was worse than the fact that I don't remember how to go back home.

It smells like a literal dumpster. And given to the beds, and things scattered throughout the whole place. I think they live here.

We were tied to a tall pole, Sugas body so close to mine I find the smell the second thing most intolerable.

Our blindfolds are taken off, and my pupils shrink at the light-exposed against us.

"We asked you last time, I will ask you again. Where. Are. The. Papers." There is no point in trying to evade the question. The guns, bates, daggers, and other variety of weapons are laid in front of us.

"I don't have them."

"We told you... We need those paper now!" He said, pointing a gun to my head, just like last time.

"She will have to pay for them." Suga's eyes defiantly widen. I am surprised to see he actually cares about my life. Or probably he doesn't want to deal with my dead body later.

"Wait! Don't kill her!" I was just glancing at the gangster, and at Suga back and forward. Just waiting, pushing Suga to the limit.

And waiting for my time to attack.

"I won't kill her if you get me the sign now." The sign? I thought he needed some papers. Or does he need a sign on some papers? But whose sign? What papers?

I didn't notice the gun on my forehead until Suga's body moved furiously at my side.

He is struggling against the ropes, to get me, to get the gangster from shooting me on the head.

I smiled.

"Okay... Okay! I will bring you the papers. I just need five days. But please let us go." Suga said.

He broke. And I am seeing through the thick barrier he has created to prevent this from happening.

"I will give you two days. And she will pay for the months I have been waiting for you to say that..." He clicked the gun. And just as he was about to shot. I broke the rope with my arms, take the gun from his hands, and kick the back of the gun against his head.

All in a second, a second it took for the gangster to be knock out.

The other two guys launched at me, and while they took their time to run towards me, I was already freeing Suga, taking his hand, and running out of this stinky place.

"Wow... you- wow." He is astonished.

"Just keep running." We were out in an instant, and I opened the door of the black car that brought us here.

"Oh, sh*t. The keys." Said Suga, putting his seatbelt in an instant, I on the driver's seat, doing the same.

I shake the keys on my hands, with a side grin on my face. I took the keys just as I took the gun from the gangster's hands.

And Suga's lips formed a grin as well.

The other two gangsters were shooting at us. I saw one disappear to the back of the storage building and the other keeps shooting at us.

"Let's go!" Suga was more excited than scared, after all, he is with his bodyguard.

There is just one problem, and the reason I haven't driven off yet.

I don't know how to drive, and neither does Suga.


Hey guys!

Don't blame her, she was on a military experiment lab almost all her life, they don't have driving lessons there...
Trust me, I have asked. XD

Again, this is a very long chapter... sorry❤️

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Something Serious.

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