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chapter 24

Lucas stared, as Claire almost drooled over the picture, blinking few times and finally glancing up at him.

"You have quite a jaw." She stated awkwardly.

"And you have a camera!" Lucas exclaimed.

Claire couldn't see why he was being so damn happy about a fuxking Polaroid Camera. He was never happy around her.

But then again, she had never seen him look at anything else with such adoration than the paintings there in museum. Maybe he was a sucker for colours.

"Yeah. I do." Claire looked at the camera and waved it in front of his face. "Snuck it in... for you."

"For me?"

"You were being a stubborn ass out there." She rolled her eyes.

How oblivious can this boy get? Does he not understand human emotions?

Uh. That was one pathetic thought. Right? Claire was being pathetic. So pathetic that she seemed whipped. No, she didn't want to be like this.

Ew she hated these idiotic feelings.

"So... Am I allowed to click pictures on your camera?" Lucas asked warily.

No one wanted to piss Claire off in their life time. And yes, Lucas was one of them. Upsetting Claire would be a nightmare.

Honestly, he wouldn't mind if she said 'no'.

"Why the hell would I bring this in then? Of course, boy, you can." She winked, which Lucas made sure to ignore.

He had noticed it before and he'll notice again, she had hazel eyes... Just hazel eyes, with green and golden sparks in them. And he watched as her pupils dilated.

"Just gonna watch me now, eh?" She chuckled.

"Uh.. sorry. I'll take that." He gulped, politely taking the camera from Claire.

She leaned back on the wall next to him as he fiddled with his hands and looked around cautiously. He was a tad bit frightened to use the camera even after being told off by the guard.

...He can get thrown off the building.

"Why did you want it so bad?" Claire asked.

"Uh, to click pictures of the paintings." Lucas replied and lifted the camera at a frame.

She almost rolled her eyes.

Wasn't that obvious already?

"Well, duh." She sighed.


Claire never missed the amusement on Lucas' face everytime he was a new painting on the wall. She never missed the way he tried to take a clear picture of the painting. She never missed the way he would grin at every single photo.

This behaviour confused her to no end. And she was so damn curious... More like she could tell he loved art already.

And it was after a few minutes of pondering that she decided she would ask him about it.

He was paying more attention to the walls than he was even glancing at her face.

"Ah, pretty boy." She started, walking behind him. "How will these paintings ever help you in future?"

He stopped walking for a moment and licked his lips. Oh and how that triggered Claire's thoughts.

"Well, they give me inspiration." He stated simply, and brought one of his hand to ruffle through his hair.

"Inspiration? You draw?" Claire raised both her eyebrows at him, baffled. This boy was not only art himself, he also drew art?

That was definitely new to Claire.

"Yeah. Kinda." Lucas answered again and took slow steps forward, as if waiting for Claire to catch up. "These paintings just give me the vibes of new ideas. You know, like pushing me forward to improve myself."


She didn't know what to reply. Hell she didn't even know shit about drawing, so she could ask him about it.

"Do you?" He asked softly, looking at her.

"Do I what?" She blinked.

"Do you draw?"

"Uh no."

God forbid this awkwardness.

Claire was slightly lost when she heard about this. Will she have a chance to hit on him again? She didnt even know how a straight line could be drawn without a ruler.

That is, if she ever used a ruler.

"Do you take art classes?" She asked, trying to cut the silence. Mostly trying not to stop the conversation. Atleast it was leading to somewhere.

The poor boy would otherwise run away from her.

"Yeah. In school only."

Holy crap.

Lucas took art. He freaking took art.

What are the odds that he could be in her art class which she never bothered to attend? That would be cherry on top.


"Yeah, first class."

Claire stopped walking right where she was and paused for a moment. All this time, she missed art class just because it was boring and it was on hold freaking Monday... She should have checked it out. At least once in her fuckkng life.

Maybe from now on, she was gonna be eager to attend school on Mondays.

She was pretty much zoned out in the middle of the museum, looking lost while Lucas was far ahead of her. Just the idea of clicking pictures seemed to make him happy. And let's not forget about art.

He seemed very satisfied with whatever he was allowed to do. Even with his food.

Looking at his fragile body, no one would ever think that he would hurt a fly. And he seemed a little too precious to be around jerks like Moore.

He was too precious to be around anyone even. She wouldn't mind claiming him hers, to protect him at all costs.

But what if during the act.. she ends up hurting him?

Sooo last time I asked if anyone shipped Claire and Lucas...

And asked y'all to make up a ship name haha

We got one name, one vote!

Any more???

Let me know your thoughts XD

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