Chapter 36: The Other Broken Girl

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My head is still spinning after the most incredible date tonight. If I had any doubts about putting my probation in jeopardy for this relationship, they have vanished. I know Gabby is the girl I was supposed to find. This broken rollercoaster I've been on, it's led me to her. She doesn't look at me like a criminal. She doesn't look at me like the loser I was becoming. She has made me want to be better in every way. One summer, that's all it will take is one summer of late night phone calls with her. I'm going to talk her into going to college. Maybe I will go back too.

When I open the door to my own house I notice the lights are back on. Obviously, everyone is home from their trip back to Illinois. I used to miss home, miss my friends, my job at the library, our home before it had become a crime scene. I'm not sure when it happened, when Luxberg started feeling like home. I'm sure Gabby has some part in that.

I toss the two backpacks from the date into my room and return to the door two down from my own.

"Court." I knock with my knuckles a few times on her door.

"Go away Jax."

There are whimpers on the other side of the door. Their trip home obviously was of no use, she's still depressed. I ignore her demand and open the door anyways, just as she would do to me.

The room is a disaster, clothes thrown everywhere, stacks of text books that need to be returned sit by the door, her cap and gown are draped over her desk. My focus lies on the blonde curled up in the fetal position on her bed. She's pale and thin, looking as if she hasn't eaten in days. He body slightly shakes with each sniffle.

I sit on the edge of her bed and set my hand gently on her trembling shoulder. "What has changed? You were doing so good. Did you go off the meds?"

"No." She uses her hand to wipe the snot that is falling from her nose.

"Gross Court, use a damn tissue. You always were a snot." I nudge her gently with my elbow. She chuckles a little through her tears and I take it as a small victory. "Come on, let's watch Mean Girls in my room. I'll even let you constantly quote it even though I hate when you talk over a movie."

I pick her up from her bed and toss her over my shoulder as she laughs. We walk back down the hall and I toss her onto my bed. Mean Girls is her favorite movie and I know she will laugh through it.

"You think I'm gross? Do I want to know how many girls have been in this bed?" She makes herself comfortable and pulls the covers up as I pull up our Netflix and the movie.

"Just Gabby." After I think about it for a moment I roll my eyes. "And Morgan, but nothing happened."

I grab one of the backpacks from the floor and open it, find the bag of partially eaten popcorn from my date. Honestly, I can't believe there is any left. But then I remember that Gabby had other ideas in mind other than our movie, bringing a smile to my face.

"Here." I toss the bag of popcorn to Courtney and then crawl into the bed with her.

We begin our movie and she happily begins munching. I knew this would change her mood. Hopefully she will open up a bit to me if I can get her talking. But before I can even begin asking her questions, she has some of her own.

"So where were you tonight? Not at Mickey's, your car wasn't there."

Gabby and I haven't told anyone we are dating. It was something we were holding back so that Dan didn't find out. Now he's one of the only ones who does know, besides Gabby's mom and sister.

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