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ten years later

Kyle was barking furiously as we continued down the street, the snow clinging to his bare paws viciously. I picked him up, holding his shivering body closer to mine. The snow had begun a few minutes ago, completely unexpectedly, leaving both me and Kyle completely unprepared for the weather. Seeking refuge, I ducked into a nearby building, the warmth a welcome sojourn. After walking a few steps in, I realized the room was an alcove to an art gallery.

"The paintings will be set up across this room. The display will include your most popular one. The silent auction will commence soon after the guests are allowed into the premises," the man explained, talking to a familiar silhouette. My heart beat dangerously loud as I searched for her face, and every bone in my body wanted it to be Mary. 

After I had gone to her apartment to get my things, I hadn't seen her again. It had been nearly ten years since that night, and I had regretted my actions ever since. I just wanted to tell her how sorry I was. I wanted to show her that I had changed.

I had gotten a job at a local dance studio a few months after, managing the business while the manager was in California in hopes of extending his franchise. Now, I had my own.

Between working at the studio and running my own, I had adopted Kyle. Kyle had led me to Jules. Now, she was my partner in both life and business.

I remained faithful to her, the pain of losing Mary a strong enough reminder to keep from ever straying again.

I also wanted to see her again. I wanted to see who she had become. I heard that she had gone to Paris after graduating, spending a few years studying the best artists that had ever existed. I didn't know if she had come back home, but I continued to blindly hope.

My eyes found the brunette's, an innate disappointment coursing through my body as I realized it wasn't Mary. Burrowing one of my hands in Kyle's fur, I turned to the door of the gallery hall, wanting to leave as quickly as I could.

"Jake?" she called out, making me immediately stop.

"Uh... yes?" I responded, looking back at the unfamiliar brunette.

"I thought you looked familiar," she smiled, walking towards me, holding out a hand. "I'm Mary's sister-in-law, Vera."

"Oh, uh, wow," I mumbled, unable to find the right words. I shook her hand in a haze, my grasp on Kyle becoming weaker.

"You know, the gallery doesn't open until six," she teased. "I think you're a little early."

"Maybe I'm just extra enthusiastic?" I suggested, struggling to keep a smile on my lips. "How is Mary?"

"She's happy. She's been traveling all over the world for the past few years. Settled down once she met my brother, though," she gushed happily. "They have a child now. She's the sweetest."

"I'm glad she's happy," I replied genuinely, feeling guilt as I realized he was everything for Mary that I couldn't be.

"She forgives you, you know. She's nice like that," Vera told me, her tone running cold as she finished her statement.

"I'm guessing you're not," I supplied, chuckling nervously.

"No. I would've keyed your car like Carrie Underwood," she joked, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. "How are you doing?"

"Uh," I started, unsure of how I wanted to reply. "I started a business recently. It's going well so far."

"That's great," she smiled, shifting her attention to her phone, which had begun buzzing urgently. She mouthed a quick apology to me as she stepped back into the gallery I had first seen her in. Deciding that now would be the best opportunity for me to leave without notice, I slipped back out into the New York City streets, a sense of contentment washing over me.

My guilt felt lighter as I walked home, knowing that Mary's future held the happiness that she deserved.


Sorry it took so long to publish... end-of-the-year testing is never fun. Anywho, HE'S A CHEATER IS COMPLETELY FINISHED (again).


Thank you for reading this far. It really means a lot to me.

Please (as I attempt not to sound as desperate as I am) check out some of my other stories (some are completed, others not).

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