Chapter One - Entering and The Denial

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I do not own the Harry Potter series or films. All rights go to the amazing J.K Rowling. I will make a few small changes to the plot (possibly). Also, Harry and his friends are in the same year as Cedric (4th year) and you do not have to be 17 to enter the triwizard tournament.

Cedric's POV

"Aw, come on Ced. You know you want to," said Emily, tucking her long blonde hair behind her ears. She was right. I did want to. But I couldn't. I shook my head.

We were stood around the Goblet Of Fire. Me, Emily, Jack, Rupert and James. They were all encouraging me to enter my name, but I was a bit hesitant. What would Father think? He would probably be proud. Why? I could have died!

"Why not?" asked Jack.

"I don't find death particularly appealing," I said, with a slight grin. But then I saw him. Potter. I felt a sudden urge to put my name in the Goblet Of Fire. I wanted Harry to see. I'd had a crush on him for a while now and we barely had any classes together. Emily saw me looking and grinned. I shot her a quizzical look. My friends didn't know I liked Harry. Well, Emily might have. She was almost as smart as Granger.

I walked up to the Goblet Of Fire and put my name in. Cheers erupted around me and I saw Harry cheering too. My heart leapt and I blushed. There was no going back now.


"What happened to 'I don't find death particularly appealing,' Ced?" Asked Rupert later that night in the Hufflepuff dorms.

"Oh. Er... I..." I began.

"Was it Potter?" Piped up James. I blushed beet red.

"What? No!" I said, annoyed. How did they know? James and Rupert weren't the smartest. Was it that obvious?

"You sure, Ced?" Asked Jack.

"Yes!" I said, then pretending I was suddenly tired, I went to 'sleep'.

"He definitely likes Potter," I heard Jack say to Rupert and James.

"Yeah, it's obvious," said Rupert.

That was all I heard before actually falling asleep.


Harry's POV

I hoped Cedric wouldn't get picked. I didn't want him to die. We were sort of friends. I was happy for him when he entered, of course, but I was scared for him too. He'd been the subject of my thoughts for the past weeks now, and I didn't know why.

Could it possibly be?

No, I'm not gay.

Am I?

I wasn't gay. No way. I was about as gay as Ron, and Ron wasn't gay.

Me, Ron and Hermione were sat in the common room, talking about the Triwizard Tournament. Well, me and Hermione were. Ron was sat on the couch, awkwardly fiddling with his tie. He looked like something was on his mind.

"Ron, are you ok?" I asked my best friend.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He laughed nervously.

"You just seem a little, nervous," I replied.

"Come on, Ron. Tell us what it is," said Hermione.

"Er... Well... I'm... It doesn't matter," he said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Ok, I'll tell you. Please, don't tell anyone. I-I... I'm gay," said Ron. Hermione looked no different from before Ron told her this. I was shocked. Well, I guess I'm gay then. I thought. No, I wasn't.

"That's great, Ron!" Said Hermione brightly.

"Yeah, we're fine with it, mate," I said. I was happy for him.

"Really? I didn't think anyone would be accepting!" He said happily.

"So who is it?" Asked Hermione.

"Who is what?" Asked Ron.

"Who is he?" Said Hermione.

"Oh, right... Er... He's... Oh God... Er.." - he looked around - "Neville." The last word was a whisper. At least it wasn't Cedric - wait, what? Why would I care whether it was Cedric or not? I didn't. I didn't. I wasn't as gay as Ron, because I wasn't gay.


I was sat in transfiguration, staring at Cedric. Wait, no, I wasn't. Ok, maybe I was. But I didn't like him or anything. No way.

The champions would be picked tonight, at the Halloween feast. I had a bad feeling about this. I hadn't entered, I knew it would be too dangerous, but I'd have rather been picked than Cedric. I didn't want to see him get hurt. We were friends. Sort of.

"Potter! Are you going to attempt the spell?" Asked Professor McGonagall. I looked up to see the witch's stern face looking down at me. I pulled my wand out of my robes. I didn't even know the spell. I stared down at my book. Incanum was the spell.
"Incanum!" I said, waving my wand at Hedwig. She grew dog ears. Malfoy laughed.
"Innoctua!" Said Professor McGonagall.
The dog ears disappeared.
"Five points from Gryffindor and I want that spell learned by next lesson," she said. I had Quidditch practice that night as well! I just nodded.

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