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I crashed onto a hard surface far to quickly and was engulfed by something warm wrapping around me. I cracked open my eyes to see... Shade?

"Games not over yet Princess" he grinned, looking down at my bewildered face.

Shade saved me?  who knew he had it in him. I attempted to sit up at the same time his dragon, Incendro tilted speedily to block an oncoming blast of dragon fire. I groaned at the pain of the arrow and looked up at Shade who was still clutching onto me as if his life depended on it.

Incendro swerved again and Shade tightened his grip making me cry out in pain as the arrow shifted around in the open wound.

"Do you mind?" I asked in a raspy voice.

He looked down at me with concern until his eyes landed on the arrow.

"Oh, yeah... sorry," he said snapping off the end of it.

We dipped down and then scored back up into the air, making it extremely difficult for Shade to hold onto me and remove the arrow. I did my best to force myself into an upright position, leaning my head onto his shoulder, I clamped my jaw together to resist the urge to scream out in pain and gripped his arm tightly.

He yanked the arrow out of my shoulder carefully and threw it down towards the ground, the pain immediately lessened and I pulled back and thanked him. 

I quickly called Obsidian, who was probably searching the ground for me and watched impatiently as my shoulder healed thanks to the protective borders and both my vampire and werewolf sides. 

"Thanks," I said awkwardly as Shade grinned in my direction.

"I guess you owe me" he replied smugly as he handed me back the flag.

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head just as Obsidian's loud roar sounded below us. Incendro turned sharply again, but this time I allowed myself to fall directly onto Obsidians back, still clutching onto the flag. 

As soon as I landed on his back we soared up through the chaos, straight towards Jackson, who was a Guardian. I turned obsidian completely sideways gripped on to him as tightly as I could with my left hand and held the flag in my right.

We squeezed through two Assailants and passed Jackson the flag successfully. I was passing for just enough time to see his amazed face as he took in our technique. I smiled to myself and continued to race around, teaming up with the others to steal the flags efficiently, and pass them to the guardians. 

The finishing bell sounded, signalling the end of the game and all sorts of chants and cheers sounded from the crowd. I looked around frantically to try and see who had won but immediately knew that we had when my eyes fell on Axel.

A humungous smile was spread on his face and he punched the air with his right fist, and turned towards Felix, winking playfully at his scowling face. 

We had actually done it, we won the game.

I flew behind Axel, with Chase by my side as we descended towards the ground. We all landed with a small thud and formed a straight line.

"The Fire region's winning streak is now broken!" boomed Mr Albern " Elements of the Air  are your new champions" 

The clapping and cheering became louder filling me with a sense of pure pride, I wasn't sure about joining the team at first but I'm grateful that I did. To be a part of something so special was among the best feelings in the world.

We dismounted from our dragons and began to form another line in front of them, I noticed that Axel groaned in pain as he jumped down from Nacendra and limped heavily as he attempted to walk. I swiftly ran over to him and placed his arm around my shoulder for support, Chase also noticed us and did the same the other side. 

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