Chapter 5

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Sierra p.o.v
I've finally been discharged from the hospital after a week. Since the first night I've rarely seen Nate. He was gone when I woke up and whenever he does come he stays in for five minutes. five minutes of uncomfortable silence and  his eyes never leave his phone. He then acts like he has a call and I don't see him again.Maybe he does.  I can't believe I actually thought he cared, obviously he doesn't and I need to forget about the moment we had.

"Are you ready?" A voice asks, It's Nate's driver. Ever since the first night he picked me up from my apartment he's been a lot nicer. At first he was cold and rude but underneath all that I found a polite man who cares and can love. Unlike the man I originally thought that of.

Stop setting your expectations so high Sierra, you should know by now that people aren't who you would like them to be.

He helps me with my bags and into the car and we set off. I begged him to let me sit in the passenger seat as I didn't like sitting in the back of the limo it made me uncomfortable. After a lot of pleading and nagging he eventually gave in and we set off, back to Nate's house. I must admit I was nervous about being back there and seeing him. I couldn't even hold a conversation with him anymore. Something had shifted between us leaving an undeniable awkwardness that neither of us attempted to clear.

We finally pull up and I grab my bag out of the back. Wave goodbye to James, Nate's driver who I had gotten to know a little better during the drive over. I slide my key into the black, wooden door and am met by a mess; there are bottles and boxes covering the floor near the sofa, dirty clothes are next too the machine. He really let him self go. I hear voices edging closer and I go into full panic mode. I'm not ready to face him yet, what would I even say? Oh hi I'm back from the dead you'd know that if you bothered to check. No, I can't say that he's still my boss and he can fire me whenever he wants too. I just can't give him a reason to. With that I run, up the stairs and straight into my room hoping he didn't hear me.

An hour passes and I see my door fly open. Nate staggers in, his eyes are red and he can barely walk. He has slight stubble decorating his jaw as if he hasn't shaved since I've been gone. I can't deny he still looks attractive, it makes him look older and in a way I find myself attracted to him more so.

"Why didn't you tell me you were home?" He shouted making me almost fall of the bed and onto the cold floor.

"I didn't think you would care. I was trying not to disturb you sir." I reply timidly. Returning back to formalities as I was stuck in an unusual place that had never happened to me before. Although, I presume it doesn't happen to a lot of people- certainly not with the man who employed them.

He comes closer and before I know it he closed the distance between us and embraced me into a tight hug. Wait... Why's he hugging me? he's barely said five words to me since that night at the hospital. Bipolar much.

He places a chaste kiss on the top of my head as he tightens his hold on me. "Please don't think that" He pulls away slightly and I practically wince at the space between us. His dark eyes search mine expecting to find the same emotion mirrored.

"What should I think. One minute you're here the next you're busy and you want to be anywhere but with me. I'm sick of having to tiptoe around you, trying not to hurt your feelings. You're my boss but you're not acting like it. Our relationship it strictly professional. I don't want to see or speak to you unless it's to do with work." What the fuck have I just done? Where the hell did that come from? Should I have been that mean... did he deserve the tough love? Yes! He certainly did. He toys me around like a puppet and I'm sick of it. My feelings will not be hurt by an insecure man who doesn't know what he wants or how to get it. I'm through with being his friend from now on I'm his employee and that's it.

"Fine! But ever talk to me like that again and you'll find yourself on the streets Miss Blake."
Our sudden proximity made me anxious. He was shouting and I couldn't even comprehend what he was saying before I felt myself falling. Until I hit the cold ground underneath me.

I woke up too voices speaking, and bright lights shining in my eyes. My room's never been this— wait. I look around the room, this isn't mine. "Where am I?" I manage to croak out.

"You're in the hospital sweetie. You have an infection in your stomach. The antibiotics should've killed it but it was too strong. We have to  perform surgery right away. The only consequence is the ulcer is above your uterus so if it's too low you may not be able to have children of your own."

As soon as those words left the nurse's mouth, tears stream down my cheeks. I'm 22 and being told I may not be able to have children. My heart aches at the thought of never having a family. No man wants a girl who can't even provide children.

"You can speak to your fiancée before going into surgery Miss Blake." She continues.

Fiancée? I don't have a fiancée. With that she exited the room and a dark figure walks in. Nate. Why's he still here? His eyes are redder then before and he has a serious look on his face.

"I don't have a fiancée." I try to shout but his hand covers my mouth.

"It's the only way they'd let me in." He silenced me.

I try to stay strong but the thought over powers my mind and a sob escapes my lips. I bury my head in the pillow as I continue to cry. Nate gently hops onto bed alongside me and scoops me onto his lap. He quietly soothes me whispering sweet nothings into my ear while he slowly caresses my hair.

"Nate... I don't want the surgery." I whisper.

"It's the only way you're going to get better love." Love... the name made the butterflies in my stomach come to life.

"But I want to have a family and if I go through with this I may never have that. If I can't bare children I can't do anything. No man wants a wife who can't do the simple thing of having a baby." I sob. He tilts my head up so I'm now facing him. His expression has changed, it now holds a concerned, sincere look.

"There's ways around it sweetheart. I'll help you no matter what." He kisses my head as the nurse comes back in,followed by the doctor.

"Are you ready Miss Blake?" I nod my head and Nate jumps off the bed not letting go of my hand. He brings it up to his lips and places a delicate kiss there. If I wasn't so worried, I'm sure I would be blushing but I can't think about that now.

"Before we go on with the surgery we need to know have you ever had a baby or pregnancy before?"

I know that this question is going to change my relationship with Nate forever. It's finally time for me to talk about one of the most tragic situations I've been in. One of the most horrifying moments in my mind. This is what I've been blocking out for 2 years. Today I'm going to relive it all again.

Please vote for this chapter by pressing the star. What do you think Sierras talking about? Why was Nate avoiding her? Keep reading! Next chapter will be out as soon as possible xx

- mads x

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