The Greatest Show

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It wasn't just another night fixing up the tent for the circus.
It wasn't just another practice.
It was time.
For the real show.
Barnum tore through the changing rooms at the back of the large, oversized tent. He paused as he fixed up Tom's (or Charles) soldier uniform, lifting the small guy up on top of a baby elephant.
He whispered pep talks to the more uncomfortable participants.
And then the crowd filed in.
They spilled into the tent, like a mass of rushing water, waiting to swallow the circus participants in a jumble of nerves.
But it was about showing them who you were, and being proud of it. It wasn't just a show.
"Alright! Guys, you know how much effort you put in and practiced for this show," Barnum began. He closed his eyes, thinking about all those troubles and hardships.
"But it's not about pleasing the crowd, although we would get more money that way," he joked. A few titters.
"This show is about you. All of you. It's about showing who you are as a person, regardless on what you look like and what you do. It's about everyone coming together."
Barnum wiped a few excited tears away. He continued to speak, his voice full of emotion. "I'm proud of you all. Let's make tonight special, yeah?"
A loud cheer met his ears as he jammed his top hat on, grabbed his cane, and leapt out from behind the curtain.
The music began.
And so did the magic.
"Colossal we come these renegades in the ring!" He yelled, feeling the music taking over. The dancers and elephants stomped their way out boldly into the ring. "Where the lost get found and we crown them the circus kings!"
As the circus went underway, Barnum noticed Philip standing in the shadows, smiling, watching the circus, but also a certain elegant, pink haired trapeze artist...
The man who'd chosen to leave his wealth behind, chosen to come join the circus.
Barnum lifted his top hat into the air, and it was picked up by a large elephant, it's trunk reaching upwards. Anne Wheeler was just flying past, and she elegantly plucked the hat from the elephant and turned back into a blur again. As the hat made its way through the circus, Barnum felt the golden glitter shimmering around him, could see the happiness of belonging on each person's face, could feel the excitement radiating off everyone...
The hat was returned by Lettie, singing with a face that was saying, "Thank you- for everything."
"This is where you wanna be!" Her voice, loud, powerful, filled the tent. Barnum ran to Phillip, making a decision he knew was the right thing to do.
"This is for you." Barnum handed Phillip the top hat.
It stayed there however, in his waiting hands as Barnum watched the emotions play out across Phillip's face.
Confused, surprise, excitement...
Phillip reached out and smoothly placed the top hat on his head.
"What will you be doing?" If Barnum was really handing his circus over- what would he do instead?
"Watching my girls grow up." Barnum threw his cane to Phillip, who caught it deftly.
Phillip stared at the cane, his expression amazed. He looked up to Barnum, his look clearly saying, "All this, for me? Really?"
Barnum grinned back. The poor guy had been to hell and back- literally. Especially in the burning fire...
He watched as Phillip ran to join the circus, coat flying out behind him...
"This is the greatest show!"
His voice brought cheering crowds to their feet.
"Where it's covered in all the coloured lights! Where the runaways are runnin' the night!"
"Impossible comes true, it's taking over you! Oh! This is the greatest show!" Anne's voice, sweetly singing, joined with Phillip's as she swung down beside him. As the two led the circus through the song, Barnum watched with happiness, remembering his own loving family. Speaking of which...
Charity wrapped her cloak around her two girls and shuddered in the freezing snow. Would her husband really come tonight? Or was he still in the circus? Charity shook her head. She had thought she was beyond the point of feeling jealous. She tried to wipe out her doubts as she looked around forlornly.
And then- "Daddy!"
Charity jerked sharply up, her eyes locking onto her husband, riding atop a massive elephant that was wading through the snow. He had come after his family after all.
Her- their girls were calling happily and she joined in with a small, enthusiastic wave as he jumped down, gave the elephant a pat, and raced up the stairs towards them, where they huddled in the shelter of a building.
Phillip knew the circus event was drawing to a close, and so he put more effort in, spiralling around on the floor as he reached the front of the dancers.
Anne was there, waiting for him, and he cautiously took her hand as the final words of the circus rung out.
"This is the greatest show!"
Phillip leaned Anne back a little. She was so close...
He heard her breath catch in her throat as he bent down and brushed his lips against hers. Damn the crowds, he thought. They can look down on us if they wish.
Her lips melded into his, soft as velvet, as his arm came up to press her against him. 

This was the life he wanted. 

Hope you guys like it!!!

Remember, suggestions are welcome!!


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