Chapter Nine: Vitus Investigates

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Vitus looked out over the river, resting his elbows on the broad parapet of the stone bridge. Lamps shining from windows along the riverbank cast arms of light that seemed to float on the surface of the water. Vitus looked up for a moment, anxiously, then turned his attention back to the water, frowning. Where was that useless slave? If he had managed to get himself in trouble, Vitus was going to kill him. Vitus jumped when Cinnamon, half out of breath, tapped his shoulder.

“So, what did you find out?” Vitus demanded, eyeing his panting friend.

Cinnamon threw his arms out in dismay. “The governor wasn't even there. Hasn't been seen by the servants at his official residence since yesterday at noon. Nobody knows when he'll be back.”

“The governor is missing?” Vitus sputtered, “That isn't possible. I'd have heard. We'd all have heard. The guard would be scouring the city for him!”

“Yes, sir. But sir?” Cinnamon gulped down some air, then leaned wearily against the parapet. “I don't think 'missing' is the right word. I think his people know he isn't in the city. They just aren't saying why, or where he's gone.”

“They know? You mean -”

“Yes, sir. What if with all this diplomatic wrangling , he's decided to speak directly to the Estavaci, to present our terms in person? Or what -” The slave looked away from his master, knowing it was his duty to speak, but not wanting to face the results. “What if he's gone over to their side? What if he's turned traitor?”

Vitus glared at Cinnamon, barely resisting the urge to slug the nervous-looking slave. “He wouldn't turn traitor. If he's among the Estavaci, it is either to serve the Empire's interests, or he's there against his will.”

At a brisk pace, Vitus strode towards the West bank of the Florea. Cinnamon forced his weary legs to catch up to his master, who was saying, “No, what we need to do is get to the bottom of this. Things are not what they seem, Cinnamon. No, there is more to the governor's absence than meets the eye.”

“Granted, sir,” Cinnamon replied with a tired sigh. “But what are we to do about it?”

Vitus turned to his secretary with a grin. “That's simple, Cinnamon. We go find him.”

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