Chapter Nine: Cheaters Never Prosper

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IX. Cheaters Never Prosper

Dedicated to probably my hands down favorite author here on Wattpad, hepburnettes. She has a way with words that's simply beautiful.

➳ Dylan's POV

You could say I was ecstatic about Kaylee coming over tonight, but that would be the understatement of the century. I was over-the-moon, all out excited. Maybe I was wrong for hanging on to this crush for so long when it was so obvious that she'd already moved on. But that's why they call it unrequited love right? The rest of Wednesday and Thursday dragged on slowly. I guess that's why they say everything takes longer when you're anticipating something. But finally, now that it was Friday, I just had to get by with the school day and practice, then boom - time to spend with Kaylee!

Alas, after twenty suicides, thirty lengths, and a gut-wrenching scrimmage, I finally made it out of basketball practice alive. Literally dragging myself to the locker room, I began to rummage through my locker to find my clothes and other necessities. I was so ready to go home and freshen up, considering I smelled like a rotten egg exploded on a monkey's butt - yeah, not attractive. As I was pulling my shirt over my head, I heard a feminine moan. Disgusting, I thought, wrinkling my nose. For goodness sake, if you're gonna make out at least find somewhere more classy than an old school locker room ew. I didn't even bother to see who it was until the moan got louder and clearer.

"Ryan," the girl gasped for air.

Ryan?! As in RYAN Ryan? As in Kaylee's here right now making out with Ryan?

Extra disgusting.

Wait. During lunch today, Kaylee told me she was going to go home and take a nap...

Sensing something fishy, I cautiously peered around the row of lockers. Sure enough, Ryan was there with a brunette. But as Ryan flipped the girl and rammed her against the wall (all while shoving his tongue down her throat, might I add), I could see that the brunette was most definitely not Kaylee. She looked like a skank with her low cut shirt, booty skirt, and caked on makeup. Gross, I observed. She clearly had no self-respect for herself. And as for Ryan? Well, he was an ass.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and raised it to sneakily snag a picture to prove it to Kaylee later. She was too good to date a cheater. As I pressed the camera button, my phone's shutter went off.

"Damn," I cursed under my breath.

Stupid obnoxiously loud iPhone cameras.

Ryan's head jerked around just as I pulled my head back behind the lockers.

"Who's there?" he called out.

And at that very moment, my gym bag decided to fall off the bench.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

I yanked it off the ground and ran out of the locker room as I hear Ryan mutter, "Excuse me a moment."

I could hear the locker room door slam behind him and his heavy footsteps, hot on my trail. If he caught me, I could only imagine the things he would say to me.

Oof! Of course I'd trip over a tree root. Of course. Curse my inner clutz.

"Gotcha, you little creep!" he spat, grabbing the collar of my shirt. "What's your name?!"

"Dylan Hayes," I grunted as I picked myself off the ground. I dusted off my white shirt, which was now apparently brown, as he looked at me incredulously.

His eyes widened in horror. "Dylan Hayes? As in Kaylee's ex best friend Dylan Hayes?"

"Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'. "But correction, it's current best friend."

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