XII: The Zaha-Katchem

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Official Transcript: HNN News Update: 07/24/2175

LERMAN: From HNN News in Tokyo, I'm Carrie Lerman with a breaking news update from geostationary orbit above North America. The unidentified starship known to the media as the "black ship" has, as of three minutes ago, launched a small probe from an internal launch bay mounted on the ship's underside. The probe, seen here on raw video recorded by the Terran destroyer the TSS Monte Casino, separated from the main ship at about 5 in the evening Earth Standard Time and appears to be on course to enter the atmosphere above Mongolia. We'll be bringing you live updates as the story unfolds. We still aren't sure what this probe is; it could be an unmanned probe, or it could be a manned shuttlecraft, or there is a possibility that it might be a weapon of some kind, a nuclear warhead of for example. Again, you're seeing images recorded by orbiting warships recorded four minutes ago. There is no reason at this time for panic, and the TIA is advising everyone to go about their business as they would on any other day.

Ambience Tactical Mainframe: Strategic Command Operation 1227 BLACK SHIP INTERFERENCE: 07/24/2175

Air Squadron 14 Air Squadron 18 Air Squadron 4 Responding to direct instruction. Target 11473 "Black Ship Probe" designated low risk target. Units ordered to observe and escort but not engage target.

Official Transcript: HNN News Update: 07/24/2175

LERMAN: Once again, I'm Carrie Lerman with HNN News in Tokyo. We've been following the probe from the black ship as it has made its descent into Earth atmosphere. It has now entered the atmospheric threshold over Mongolia at high velocity. It appears to be on course to China that will bring it approximately towards Beijing. It has yet to activate any sort of weaponry or warheads that Terran sensors can detect, and the Air Force has yet to engage it in any way. Three squadrons of Tzu class fighters have made a steady approach but seem to be holding back from making aggressive moves.

Official Transcript: Phone Call: From Nobuyuki Ito: To Dwai Chen: 07/24/2175: Translated by Zhou Hanshen-Yao

CHEN: Admiral, we're a bit busy right now.

ITO: Why have your fighters not engaged that probe? I'm watching from the Icarus station through a telescope. They're just flying around. Why are they not attacking?

CHEN: You've fought these things. Do you really think it would make a difference?

ITO: That doesn't mean we shouldn't try! That could be a weapon and it's flying straight for the capital!

CHEN: Look, Nobuyuki, the Tactical Mainframe classified it as a low risk target. They must have picked up on a pattern that we haven't seen yet. The fighters are keeping a distance unless that assessment changes.

ITO: The Mainframe isn't infallible. We still don't know what the ship is here for. We need to defend ourselves!

CHEN: The Mainframe may not be infallible, but it's about as close as the army and air force has. It's a hell of a lot better running unmanned fighters than I am. But if you think you're smarter, please, ask the President to override its instructions.

ITO: You have those codes, General. This can end with you!

CHEN: Well, I'm not going to use them. If the Mainframe doesn't think that probe is a threat, then I don't think I should either. So if you really want it done, you'll have to go over my head.

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