because of clyde parker| twenty-two

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TUESDAY MORNING WAS CLOUDY with a hell lot of Karma and a bad case of cold

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TUESDAY MORNING WAS CLOUDY with a hell lot of Karma and a bad case of cold.

Midst this, she was a ticking bomb waiting to explode. Mother Nature had blessed her four days early which was a total red-signal, she lost her footing on the staircase and face-planted on a pillar she swore never existed before, and to add the icing on the cake, her car screeched and grunted before breaking down mid-way.

Ethan promised to repair her car at his garage and drove her to school in his rickety truck.Dawn reached school seconds before the last bell and sprinted to her first period.It was the kind of day where she would happen to be accidental-prone to anything within a 5 meter radius.

Hence, when lunch came around Mia and Alec became her only beacon of hope for a less-crappier day.

"I swear Miss Grunch hates me!" Mia plunked the tray of greasy cafeteria-food noisily that her Cola wobbled, slopping on the table.

"Oh god not again, I swear I am having the crappiest day in the history of having crappiest days!"

Mia shook her head.

"You know that hag told me that my 'clothes are sizes too small for me' and that I should stop 'fooling around'! I mean is this the medieval era or the 80's? Hey Alec we were waiting for you-" Alec's eyes swept over at their little clique and he was gone with a nasty scowl.

"Henderson come, join us!" Dawn called after him but he joined his posse of Glee Club.

"What's up with him?"

"It's about last weekend..." Mia mumbled thoughtlessly.

"What about last weekend?"

"Nothing I-I just need to go-" Mia grabbed her Chanel purse and scurried out of the cafeteria. Chucking her cola can in the bin, Dawn too started after her.

"Wait up, will ya? May god bless everyone from girls who can run in 7 inch stilettos!"

Dawn and Mia were said to be the Betty and Veronica of Avery Fields high and, as of yet, her best friend radar was beeping like a sixth sense that Mia was hiding something from her. And after all they have been through together she couldn't stomach Mia not confiding in her.

The great hall was deserted except Caleb Parker who had Penelope Grace shoved up against a locker, his tongue down her throat and her cleavage large enough to swallow his face whole.

A pang hit her in the chest, a bitter and sickly taste filled her mouth. Envy, one of the seven deadly sins. Green eyes met hers for milliseconds and her eyes began to brim up with tears.

It had been five days since they last talked, five days since they kissed. There was something when they kissed, perhaps a thin line crossed. They were not strangers, they were not just friends for just friends don't kiss each other on the mouth, just friends don't look at each other with a lover's longing.

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