Chapter 8

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" What do you want ?" I snapped angrily.

" Nothing."

" Then get off my way." I growled at her.

" No."

She smirked.

I scowled.

" I like to mess with you."

" But I don't like to mess with a mess." I snapped again.

It's her turn to scowl at me but I couldn't care less. I just wanna go home and eat but this girl is coming in my way and stopping me.

Since one week I am bearing with her stupidity. Tanya is doing something or the other to irritate me. She is bumping into me occasionally, throwing paper balls at me, making fun of me with her minions, she even spilled cool drink on me in the cafe when Sam was by her side. She said sorry but feeling not sorry at all.

We have final exams in a week. I had to prepare and revise a lot. But this girl is getting on my nerves disturbing me.

Jai and Rads were off to their homes already. I was left behind as I want some books from library to prepare for exams.

And now when I want to go home, feed my grumbling stomach and study,  she and her minions blocked my way not allowing me to go. I think she waited for this moment for me to find alone so that she can do what she has planned. strong have to deal her by yourself.

What ever she does you should be strong.

Don't let yourself weak before her.

If she is doing this then I should also not back out to confront her.

But I am hungry now.

I tried to walk past but again they blocked my way.

I sighed loudly.

" Seriously Tanya what do you want ?" I tried to ask as politely as possible.

" What Piyali ? Can't I talk to my friend ?" She asked sweetly.

" Friend ?" I deadpanned.

" My boyfriend's best friend counts as my friend too right " She said smiling sweetly at me.

" Do you even know the meaning of a  friend ?" I snapped again.

I didn't snap this much in my whole life.

" Oh I know it perfectly but I think you don't know the meaning of it." She taunted me.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

" You want to snatch away my boyfriend from me. Which friend does that ?" She accused me.

I looked shocked at her.

I thought she was just jealous because Sam is close with us.....with me.....but.....

She is thinking that I want to snatch him away.

" Why are you looking so shocked? " She pauses.

" Don't act.....I know how you look at him, how you smile at him, how much you want him......I am not blind." She yells at me.

My eyes widened.

Does she know that I love him ?

" And I also know that you love him." She finishes smirking at me evilly.

I still stood shocked.

" You must be wondering how I know that let me tell you..... your eyes ,your face ,your actions whenever he is around you or close to you say everything Piyali." She says with rage.

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