Chapter 26 - Xavier

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I wanted to rip my hair out. Harper has been ignoring me, since the incident with Alexander knocking on the door. After we had our 'seperate' showers, she left and went down to the pool with Alexander and texted me letting me know that they were already down there. When I arrived by the pool area, I had to stop myself from throwing her over my shoulder and taking her right back to the bedroom, because Harper in a bikini was just absolutely breathtaking. Only problem was, she avoided eye contact, or any contact with me the entire two hours we spent by the pool. She swam with Alexander and a few times wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and let him walk her around the pool. When we sat back in the loungers she lay right by Alexander and snuggled with him. I didn't know how I should feel about my girlfriend spending more time with another man, but I couldn't even tell her that because she acted like I wasn't even worth a second glance. When we went up to our room, Harper opted to shower in Alexander's room again and I think that even he started to pick up on Harper's cold behaviour towards me.

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I stood in the living room pacing up and down waiting for Harper to emerge from the bedroom, only to have Alexander come out thirty minutes later saying that Harper was asleep. By this point I almost barged in there and demanded that she tell me what the hell I did wrong.

"Calm down dude, she's really tired; and take a seat before you wear out the carpet," Alexander commented in reference to my pacing.

"I know she's tired, but she's ignoring me. I know she is; I just can't figure out why she'd be doing that," I sighed in frustration and sat opposite Alexander.

"This whole dating thing is new to her and she's a little embarrassed that I heard the two of you going at it earlier," he said wincing slightly.

"Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself. It just seems that since then, she's pulling away. I really like her man," I admitted.

"If you really liked her, you wouldn't have walked out on her during your first date together and you wouldn't have treated her like shit for almost a year," came Alexander's reply shocking me. I don't know why I was shocked, when everything he said was the truth. Then the shame settled in like it always did.

"Shit, sorry about that outburst. I wasn't supposed to bring that up, I promised Harper that I wouldn't," Alexander said in a rush.

"It's alright. I mean you're right about that. I don't even know what the hell I was thinking at the time to walk out on such an amazing girl. Things would have been way different between Harper and I right now."

This relationship between me and Harper already got off to a rocky start, and it just seems like our past will always come back and bite me in the ass.

"How about you let her get some rest and do the same and you'll both wake up with clearer minds and sort things out huh," Alexander suggested.

I nodded my head at his suggestion and retreated to my room. I was almost tempted to go to where Harper but I didn't think Alexander would appreciate that.

I woke up startled to the feeling that someone was sneaking into bed with me, and then I smelt raspberries and knew that it was Harper. I felt Harper lift the sheet I had covering me and move in beside me. I immediately turned in her direction and snuggled her closer to me breathing her in. I felt her body stiffen for a second before she relaxed.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

She mumbled something incoherent, so I stopped and asked her what was wrong again. She turned towards me looking so sad that it literally felt like someone kicked me in the gut. I hated seeing her look so defeated, especially if I were the reason behind it. She took a deep breath before looking me in the eye saying, "I think I might be pregnant," she said in a rush.

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