Chapter 12

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Cassie's POV

Gah I miss Axe. He had pack business and had to stay behind today so after I finished my meeting with Cole and came back to the pack house, the first thing I did was go to is office. I knocked and he called for me to enter and I saw he was sat with his pack Doctor talking about a few members who would need care after the training they had today.

"Ah, just who I needed to speak to. Cassie, this is our pack Doctor, Remiro. Remiro, this is Cassie. She'll be training the pack members for the rest of her stay. Cassie I wasn't expecting you back so soon. What is it I can help you with?" He says maintaining professionalism. It did not go unnoticed that he said 'our' pack, but to the good doctor, it probably sounded like he was talking about the pack as a whole or maybe talking about himself and the doctor.

"My meeting finished earlier than expected and I wanted to ask you when you would like me to start training. I can come back later if you would like." I say monotonous which is my business voice.

"Oh no, we're just about finished. So Alpha, I'll need medical information for all the teenagers that are training so that if any of them come in injured I know what to give them and what not. The best way to go about that would be to have every parent fill out a form containing allergies and things to be aware of and to turn it into you before they can begin training." Doc says looking at the Alpha.

"That sounds wonderful! Send a mindlink to everyone. I want updated files on everyone, young and old. When was the last time we had med file updates?" Axe asks.

"Two years ago."

"Well then hop to it man!" Axe exclaims dramatically. Doc nods and walks out.

We wait in silence for a minute and a half before he stands up and walks over to me. I open my arms for a hug and eh walks over giving me one without second thought. He pulls back and looks at me and asks me if he can kiss me.

"Of course. You always have my permission." I say and he leans forward to give me the kiss. His lips are soft and I'm already addicted to him. He pulls back too soon for me but is already breathless. I take a deep breath and look into the eyes I've already fallen in love with.

"You are the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on." He says, his eyes showing awe.

"And you the most handsome." I say showing him the same awe.

"Gah I missed you last night. I didn't sleep all that well. I ended up staying up until I heard you come in. I wanted to go check on you but I didn't want to appear creepy and figured you would be tired." He says looking down, almost in shame.

"You should have come. I would have loved to see you. I was sad that I missed our nightly conversation. I've gotten so used to seeing you that it was odd to try to sleep without it." I say and sit down.

"Can I ask what you had to do?" He says and sits next to me on the couch he has in his office.

"I shouldn't tell you but, I would prefer you knew. I'm a underground fighter and I had a match last night. I've been in it for a long while and at this point there's no way for me to get out. It would be stupid hard to get out unless I had a valid reason." I say with a shrug and lean onto his arm, which he wraps around me.

"What would they count as a 'valid reason'?" He asks with a raised brow.

"Pregnancy, marriage, or serious injury." I say listing them by common occurrence.

"I love how you said pregnancy then marriage." He says with a chuckle.

"It's more common for an underground lady to get pregnant before they get married because more prefer to... entertain... Themselves after a fight. And often fighters will marry each other and neither of them will give up fighting. Often times serious injury will only stop them briefly until they recover and then they're back to fighting." I say explaining the answers.

"Well then." He says with raised brows and a shrug. "Would you ever want kids."

"Yes. Many. I've always wanted a sibling but, my mom didn't want a second chance mate so there was no way I would be able to have one. I don't want my kids to feel lonely growing up." I say thinking back to my childhood and how lonely it was with very few children in the pack at that time. We were switching Alphas and now that we have settled, there are many children but at the time the packs was quite lonely for a child my age.

"How many kids would you want?" He asks.

"7." I say, laughing and completely joking.

"Oh please no. That's over kill." He says, his eyes swallowing his head at the thought of that many kids. Honestly, the thought isn't appealing because giving birth 7 times doesn't sound fun.

"Yeah I was joking. I wouldn't be able to withstand giving birth that many times." I say shaking my head.

"What genders would you want?" He says as he begins to run his fingers through my hair.

"Three boys and a girl. The boys would be protective of the girl and the girl would be able to defend herself because her brothers wouldn't let her not know how. And if something were to happen to us, then we wouldn't have to worry about her being alone. That was always my moms big concern. She made sure that if anything did happen to her, I'd go to my father. She even had a letter written out and told me where it was so I could grab it before I was sent away. She was prepared for every instance. Your grandfather almost tore up the letter when she showed him where it was. He said that 'That no good piece o waste' wasn't gonna get his little D.P. No way, no how." I say with a chuckle, recalling how insistent the old man was about my being his princess and no one was gonna take me away from him.

"Yep, that sounds like the old man." He says and releases a yawn as I lean more into him. "Ya know, we could take a short nap. If you tell your mom that you made it back-" I already had. "- and I tell him the boys Tha I'm in a meeting, we could probably get away with a 30 or so minute nap." He says looking down at me, his eyes showing just how tired he was.

And so, we did just that. Just relaxing in the feel of being in each other's arms.

Thank you so much for reading! This week has been so weird, I have been a day and a half ahead all week which is really trippy so if you see any errors let me know. And, as always,


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